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来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
Continuing our study of Russia’s north, we’ll head to the Pinezhsky Nature reserve, located 200 km from Arkhangelsk. The Pinezhsky Nature reserve was formed in order to preserve and study typical elements of the northern taiga in their natural state.

Dmitry Shlyopkin

Fairy-tale landscapes, clean air, clear blue water, and mysterious caves. This piece of paradise (covering a total area of 51,890 hectares) was opened in 1974.

Dmitry Shlyopkin

A thorough study of the district that includes the nature reserve began in the mid-1960s. Out of the 476 caves discovered in the Arkhangelsk region, a fourth of them are located within the Pinezhsky Nature Reserve.

Dmitry Shlyopkin

The total distance of the caves reaches 43.5 km. New caves significant for both their length and information they divulge are found every year.

Dmitry Shlyopkin

The Golubinsky Proval Cave, located on the right bank of the Pinega River is 16.5 km downrigger from the village of Pinega. The cave’s total length is 1622 meters, while it covers an area of 5267 square meters, has a volume of 8255 cubic meters, and an amplitude of 17 meters.

Dmitry Shlyopkin

戈卢宾地凹洞穴(Golubinsky Proval)位于皮涅加河右岸,在皮涅加村下游的约16.5公里处。该洞穴总长为1622米,占地面积为5267平方米,体积约为8255立方米,最宽处可达17米。
Golubinsky Proval is currently the best-known and most-visited cave in the Arkhangelsk region. Despite its proximity to the river and road, the cave was not well-known until the mid-20th centuries even among locals. It wasn’t mentioned in literature either.

Dmitry Shlyopkin

The caves’ microclimate is unique in that it features a low air temperature, high humidity, and slow-moving air currents.

Dmitry Shlyopkin

Ice formations and hydro-mechanical deposits are typical for Golubinsky Proval. The ice formed in very cold part of the cave’s entrance. New ice crystals, frost, and ice sinters form year-round.

Dmitry Shlyopkin

Many of the tourists who come to see Golubinsky Proval stay at the Krasnaya Gorka tourist base. It’s located on the ruins of the Krasnogorsky Monastery on top of a tall hill (more than 200 m above Pinega).

Dmitry Shlyopkin

This is the oldest of three monasteries in the Pinezhsky district of the Arkhangelsk region. A monk by the name of Makary founded it back in 1605. Before the 17th century, this place was known as Chyornaya Gora, or Black Mountain.

Dmitry Shlyopkin

However, in 1629, a shrine appeared at the monastery: the Georgian icon of the Virgin Mary. It was brought to Russia from Georgian lands conquered by Muslims and given to the monastery by the merchant Ivan Lytkin.

Dmitry Shlyopkin

1629年,修道院得到一个圣物:来自格鲁吉亚的圣母玛利亚圣像。商人伊凡·雷特金(Ivan Lytkin)将其从被穆斯林攻克的格鲁吉亚带到俄罗斯,并献给了修道院。
When the monastery was closed after Communists came to power, the icon was lost. Only fragmented frescoes remain on Krasnogorsky Monastery’s walls.

Dmitry Shlyopkin

During Soviet years, a commune was set up inside the monastery. This was later followed by a young Pioneer Camp, and a mental hospital. Afterwards, it was completely abandoned. The cathedral is now abandoned, although its living quarters are used by the tourist base.

Dmitry Shlyopkin

标签: 生态旅游景点旅游阿尔汉格尔斯克
