克利莫夫斯克的木制玩具讲述俄罗斯民间艺术的历史 俄罗斯四人双体船的环游世界远征


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
Moscow. Lubianka. 1910s. Offprint // These photos from the exhibition "Primrose: Early Colour Photography In Russia" will be on display in the FOAM Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands, till April, 3, 2013.

Pyotr Pavlov / Moscow House of Photography

莫斯科,卢比扬卡地区。1910年代。选刊 //这一以隐喻性的“报春花”为标题的展览展示了从19世纪60年代到20世纪70年代,俄罗斯摄影从出现到彩色照片的发展历程,同时以照片的形式透视了俄罗斯的历史。
“In memory of my military service”. Saint Petersburg. Beginning of 1910s. Collodion, painting. // Colour became widespread in Russian photography at approximately the same time as in Europe — in the 1860s. This was dependent on the manual tinting of photographic prints with watercolour and oil paints.

V. Yankovsky / Moscow House of Photography

《纪念我的从军经历》,圣彼得堡。1910年代初,硝棉胶板摄影,上色。 // 彩色在俄罗斯摄影中广泛应用几乎也在19世纪60年代,几乎与欧洲是同时出现的。色彩是以水粉颜料或油画颜料在摄影胶片上手工上色实现的。
Portrait of girl. 1860s. Salted paper, covered by albumen, painting. // People were eager to see their own image in colour, and moreover in a picturesque form. The colouring of early photographic shots could also hide imperfections in the prints, including those introduced on albumenised paper.

A. Nechayev / Moscow House of Photography

《女孩肖像》,19世纪60年代。湿版,蛋白制版印像,上色。 // 人们都渴望看到自己的彩色影像,而且要有风景如画的背景。早期摄影的着色还可以遮盖胶片上的缺陷,包括蛋白制版印像也是如此。
Portrait of girl in Little Russia costume. Saint Petersburg. 1900s. Gelatine silver print, painting. // By the end of the 19th century, by the 1880s and 1890s, colour photography was extended to architectural, landscape and industrial subject matter.

Yelena Mrozovskaya / Moscow House of Photography

《穿俄罗斯服装的少女像》。圣彼得堡,1900年左右。银盐照片摄影,着色。 // 到19世纪末,准确说是19世纪80、90年代,彩色摄影扩展到了建筑、风景和工业主题。
Race. “Dynamo” Stadium. 1935. Artist’s gelatine silver print, gouache. // From the mid-1920s A. Rodchenko regenerated the forgotten technique of hand colouring his own photographs. His use of tinting profited from his experience with photomontage.

Alexander Rodchenko / Moscow House of Photography

《赛跑》。“迪纳摩”体育场。1935年。艺术家的银盐胶片,水粉着色。 //从20世纪20年代中期,罗得臣柯重新发掘出了手工给自己的照片着色的技术。他的着色技术得益于他制作蒙太奇照片的经验。
Red Army man. 1932. Threecoloured bromoil. // In 1932 general rules for socialist realism were published in the USSR, as the only creative method for all forms of art, including photographic.

Vasily Ulitin / Moscow House of Photography

《红军士兵》。1932年。 三色相纸上色。 // 1932年,社会现实主义的一般原则在苏联出版,作为包括摄影在内的所有艺术形式唯一的创作方法。
Portrait of Yury Rypalov. 1938–1939. Threecoloured bromoil. // Pictorialism was one of the most important tendencies of early 20th-century Russian photography, and Russian pictorialist photographers were awarded gold and silver medals at international exhibitions.

Vladislav Mikosha / Moscow House of Photography

《尤里·里帕罗夫肖像》。 1938年-1939年。三色相纸上色。 //绘画主义摄影是20世纪初俄罗斯摄影最重要的潮流之一,俄罗斯绘画主义摄影师在国际影展上曾获得金奖和银奖。
Meeting in the tundra. 1972. Colour print. // Until the mid-1970s, in the USSR negative film for printing colour photographs was a luxury only available to a few official photographers who worked for major Soviet publications.

Dmitry Baltermants / Moscow House of Photography

《苔原上的会面》。 1972年。彩色胶片。 //直到20世纪70年代中期,制作彩色照片的负片在苏联还是非常奢侈的,只有少数为苏联主要出版物工作的正式摄影师才用得起。
Show-window. Beginning of 1970s. Color print. // Colour transparency film appeared on the Soviet mass market in the 1960s and 1970s. As opposed to colour negative film that requires a complicated and expensive development process for subsequent printing, colour slide film could be developed even in domestic surroundings.

Dmitry Baltermants / Moscow House of Photography

《展示窗》。20世纪70年代初。彩色胶片。 //彩色透明胶片上在20世纪60年代和70年代出现在苏联的大众市场上。不同于彩色负片需要经过复杂而昂贵的后续洗印过程,彩色幻灯片则甚至可以在家庭环境中冲印出来。
Fruits. 1949. Colour print. // In those days even still life studies of fruit bore an ideological message, being photographed for cookery books in which the Soviet people could see produce that remained absent in a hungry postwar country, where the ration-card system of food distribution was still functioning.

Ivan Shagin / Moscow House of Photography

《水果》。1949年。彩色胶片。 //在那个时代,就连水果这样的静物影响都含有意识形态的内容,为苏联人民的烹饪书籍拍摄的照片,在缺衣少食的战后国家却没有,分发食物的配给卡仍在使用。
He has turned her head. Beginning of 1960s. Colour print. // Soviet art had to reflect Soviet myths about the happiest people in the happiest country, not real life and real people.

Robert Diament / Moscow House of Photography

《回眸》。20世纪60年代初。彩色胶片。 //前苏联艺术要反映苏联的神话,表现最快乐的国家里最幸福的人们,而不是真实的生活和真实的人。
Sea cadets. End of 1940s. Artist’s colour print. // This exhibition with the metaphorical title ’Primrose’ demonstrates the appearance and development of colour in Russian photography from the 1860s to 1970s, and at the same time reveals the history of Russia in photography.

Yakov Khalip / Moscow House of Photography

《海上的学员》。20世纪40年代末。艺术家的彩色胶片。 //《俄罗斯早期彩色摄影》的这些照片,将在荷兰阿姆斯特丹的摄影博物馆展出至2013年4月3日。
标签: 苏联历史摄影作品俄国
