数百年来一直倍受推崇的桑度诺夫斯基浴场 索契的”玫瑰庄园”滑雪场挑战世界级滑雪胜地


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
In the middle of winter holes are cut in the ice and thousands of Russian Orthodox Christians gather to submerge themselves in the freezing water to mark the festival of the Epiphany. (Tverskaya oblast, Russia)

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在隆冬时节,人们在冰上凿孔,成千上万的俄罗斯东正教教徒们把自己浸泡在冰冷的水里,以此来纪念主显节这一节日。 (俄罗斯特维尔州)
The Baptism of Christ, also known as the Epiphany, is one of the 12 main Orthodox festivals, and it is traditionally celebrated on Jan. 19. (Moskovskaya oblast, Russia)

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On the eve of the Epiphany, it is customary for Orthodox Christians to plunge into the frozen water. (Leningradskaya oblast, Russia)

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在主显节的前夜,东正教教徒的习俗是跳入冰冷的水里。 (俄罗斯列宁格勒州)
Priests and regular believers from many different churches go down to a lake or a river, where a hole has been cut into the ice in the shape of a cross. This opening in the ice is called a “jordan,” in honor of the holy River Jordan, in which Jesus was baptized. (Vologda region, Russia)

Ria Novosti

People climb down into the jordan on a small wooden ladder until they are half submerged, then they make the sign of the cross before fully submerging themselves in the water three times. (Volgograd region, Russia)

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In Russia the temperature tends to drop around the time of the Epiphany, and both believers and non-believers alike refer to this time of year as the “Epiphany frosts.” (Novgorodskaya oblast, Russia)

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But despite the freezing temperatures, people believe that plunging into freezing waters at the Epiphany is not going to do you any harm, in fact, it is said to strengthen the body and improve the health. (Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia)

Ria Novosti

You can even go in the water at -40ºC, because the whole process only takes about 5-6 minutes, and no organ in the human body is going to have time to get cold. When a person is in the cold water all his or her blood is redistributed around the body, and this is actually good for the health. (Moscow region, Russia)

Ria Novosti

Those who are frightened or who are unable to submerge themselves in the water are told not to worry – there is nothing in the rules of the Orthodox Church saying that every good Christian has to bathe outdoors to mark the Epiphany. (Saint Petersburg region, Russia)

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The winter plunge is just one of several Epiphany traditions: In the churches across the city, a service continues throughout the day, in which holy water is blessed by the priests. This water is then preserved in churchgoers’ homes until the next Epiphany. (Moscow region, Russia)

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冬泳只是主显节的几个传统之一:在整个城市的教会,服务持续了一整天,在圣水祝福的祭司。这水,然后保存在教友的家中,直到下一次顿悟。 (莫斯科地区,俄罗斯)
Russian Orthodox Christians also call this festival the “Manifestation of God,” since according to the Gospels, all three part of the Holy Trinity were present in that moment: the voice of God the Father came down from the heavens, the Son of God was christened, and the Holy Spirit came down in the form of a dove. (Saint Petersburg region, Russia)

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This festival is also known as the “Day of Enlightenment,” and the “Day of Lights” because people want to join the church are traditionally baptized on the eve of this festival – in essence, this is spiritual enlightenment. (Moscow region, Russia)

Ria Novosti

这个节日也被称为“启迪日”,“光明日”,因为过去希望加入教会的人们会在这个节日前夕接受洗礼。在本质上,这是精神上的启迪。 (莫斯科地区,俄罗斯)
标签: 节日传统东正教宗教
