莫斯科:注定成为俄罗斯首都的城市 《俄中评论》推出2012年度重要事件独家盘点


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
In the Russian language the word rodinka means both “a birthmark”, a small dark dot on the skin, and “a small Motherland”, that place on the map which ties living ones with a feeling of home. // Spring in Tomsk, 2006

Valery Klamm

Valeriy Klamm is coordinating photo-blog community “Birthmark on the Map” - a documentary project aimed to capture the everyday life of Russian provinces. // Alexander Fillipovitch has decided to promote himself and won the election to the Berezovsky village administration. Novosibirsk region, 2009

Valery Klamm

瓦列里·克拉姆(Valeriy Klamm)正在与“图片-博客社区”协调以捕捉俄罗斯各地人们日常生活为背景的纪录片“地图上的胎记”的拍摄事宜。//亚历山大·菲力波维奇(Alexander Fillipovitch)决定毛遂自荐,参加别列佐夫斯基村村委会的选举。新西伯利亚地区,2009年。
The project was launched in Novosibirsk in late 2009. All of these photos were taken by Valery in villages and small towns of Western Siberia in recent years. // Working models of tanks are built by amateur carmaker Vyarcheslav Verevotchkin in his garage. Bolshoy Oyosh, Novosiborsk region, 2009

Valery Klamm

2009年末在新西伯利亚开始了纪录片的拍摄。照片均是近年来瓦列里在西西伯利亚地区的村庄和小城镇里拍摄的。//业余汽车制造者维亚切斯拉夫·维雷沃齐金(Vyarcheslav Verevotchkin)在他的车库里制作的可操作坦克。新西伯利亚地区大欧约石河,2009年。
There is a simple greatness of daily life which can only be revealed far from big cities. Meet Valery Klamm friends, the Siberians. // Fyodor helps to his father - Orthodox priest Roman - during the Sunday Service. Uspenskiy Cathedral, Bagan Village, Novosibirsk Region, 2011

Valery Klamm

这是只有在远离大城市的地方才会看到的简单而美好的日常生活。这些是瓦列里·克拉姆的西伯利亚朋友。费奥多尔(Fyodor)正帮助他的父亲--一位东正教牧师做周日的礼拜。 乌斯本斯基大教堂,新西伯利亚地区巴甘村,2011年。
Holy Trinity Day. People remember those who died and share food and drinks with them. Gipsy "Uncle" Misha at the son’s grave. Biysk, Altay region, 2010

Valery Klamm

In the Club of Aleksandrovka village teenagers are building bodies with the help of tractor wheels (instead of professional disks). There is a superb gym in the local school but the young athletes still prefer the old Club for bodybuilding. Novosibirsk region, 2010

Valery Klamm

A women calms down her grandchildren before a public performance in the local House of Culture. Barabinsk, Novosibirsk region, 2009

Valery Klamm

Part-time aircraft mechanic and a full-time pensioner "Uncle" Gena prepares the machine and the man for flight. Training aerodrome ROSTO, Kislovka Village, Tomsk region, 2006

Valery Klamm

Anatoliy Schigorev drawing new decorating ideas for his family home. Anatoly lives in a half-burned down workshop, where he restores old cars. Biysk, 2005

Valery Klamm

阿纳托利·施格雷夫(Anatoliy Schigorev)为他的家绘制新的装修效果图。阿纳托利住在一间半焚毁的车间里,并在那里修复老旧汽车。比斯克,2005年。
Vova, an orphan who lives with a foster family. Grazhdantzevo Village, Novosibirsk region, 2011

Valery Klamm

Yekaterina Panarina, 66, started to make dolls after her son has died a few years ago... Mikhaylovka Village, Novosibirsk Region, 2011

Valery Klamm

66岁的叶卡捷琳娜·帕纳里纳(Yekaterina Panarina)的儿子几年前去世,此后她便开始制作娃娃。新西伯利亚地区,米哈伊洛夫卡村,2011年。
An always happy towels salesman, who operates near highway. Motchishche, Novosibirsk region, 2005

Valery Klamm

高速公路旁快乐的毛巾销售者。新西伯利亚地区莫奇谢村, 2005年。
Evgeny likes all the creatures that are beautiful and flying. Tebisskoye Village, Novosibirsk region, 2009

Valery Klamm

Girl from an orphanage, who lives now with a foster family. Elban’ village, Novosibirsk region, 2008.

Valery Klamm

The garage with the motto "Look how beautiful the world is" is located near the bridge over the railway. Barabinsk, Novosibirsk region, 2009

Valery Klamm

位于铁道立交桥旁,挂着“瞧,多美好的世界”广告牌的汽车修理厂。新西伯利亚地区,巴拉宾斯克, 2009年。
标签: 社会平民生活俄罗斯人地区西伯利亚摄影
