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末日之后的莫斯科 俄罗斯圣诞老人的冰雪故乡


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
At first I drove on by, thinking it was just an umbrella lying there by the side of the track. But it turned out to be Andrei hiding from the rain.

Roman Shalenkin

It was the village of Borovikha, about 20 kilometers from Barnaul, the capital of Altai Republic. Not far from Borovikha flows the Ob, one of Siberia’s three main rivers.

Roman Shalenkin

Its shores are covered with pine forest, and in summer they are bright and roasted by the heat.

Roman Shalenkin

The steep hills of the pine forests (the name “Borovikha” comes from bor in Russian, meaning “pine”) are home to a wide variety of berries.

Roman Shalenkin

In late June and early July, the wild strawberries quickly come to bloom and bear seed-buds.

Roman Shalenkin

Andrei is nine years old. He lives in the village all year round and nature in summer gives him a chance to earn bit of money.

Roman Shalenkin

Andrei picks strawberries and sells them on the track. A standard measure of one liter (about 30 ounces) costs about $10.

Roman Shalenkin

His Mom does the same. Together, in the "high season" they make around $50 a day.

Roman Shalenkin

Father works in the north, drilling boreholes.

Roman Shalenkin

Andrei is looking forward to seeing him again, and plans to give him a radio for New Year.

Roman Shalenkin

标签: 孩子平民生活西伯利亚阿尔泰
