精雕细镂出真品:走近索契冬奥会奖牌的制作工艺 女歌手尤利娅·纳察洛娃认为运动员是生活中最理想的同伴


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
Russian billionaire Vladimir Potanin bought a 4 pound, $95,000 white truffle from NYC restaurateur Nello Balan at the very beginning of this autumn's truffle season. Potanin, who has an estimated net worth of around $14.3 billion according to Forbes Russia, owns 30.4 per cent of Norilsk Nickel, the world's largest producer of the commodity. His latest purchase - the so-called White Alba truffle, found only in several regions of Italy,--is one of the most expensive types of truffles in the world and is often referred to as "white gold."

IFP East news

今年秋天松露季开始之初,俄罗斯亿万富翁弗拉基米尔·波塔宁(Vladimir Potanin)花费9.5万美元从纽约餐馆老板尼洛·巴兰(Nello Balan)手中购买了一块4磅重的白松露。根据《福布斯》俄罗斯富豪榜信息,身家约143亿美元的波塔宁,拥有世界上最大矿业金属生产商“诺里尔斯克镍业公司”30.4%的股份。波塔宁最近购买的白松露是有着“白色黄金”之称的“阿尔巴”白松露,堪称世界上最昂贵的松露品种之一,仅生长在意大利一些地区。
Russian steel tycoon Vladimir Lisin is known for his extravagant purchase of a 17th-century Scottish castle that he made in 2005. His sporting estate sits on 3,300 forested acres (1,200 ha) where he retreats to indulge in his passion for shooting and hunting. Lisin also built one of Europe's largest shooting-range complexes called Lisya Nora in the tiny town of Iksha, near Moscow. Forbes estimates his net worth at around $14.1 billion.

Press photo

俄罗斯钢铁大亨弗拉基米尔·利辛(Vladimir Lisin)因2005年奢侈购买了一座17世纪的苏格兰城堡而闻名。占地3300英亩(约1200公顷)的该城堡位于森林之中,被利辛用作纵情射击和狩猎的运动之城。弗拉基米尔·利辛还在莫斯科附近的小镇易克莎建造了一个名为“利西亚·诺拉”( Lisya Nora)的欧洲最大的射击中心。 据《福布斯》杂志估算其身家约为141亿美元。
Russian oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov, with an estimated net worth of about $13 billion as of March 2013 according to Forbes, is famous for his decision to buy a majority stake in the New Jersey Nets in May 2010, which made him the first non-North American team owner in the NBA. He rocked Russia in 2012 when he jumped into the presidential race against Vladimir Putin.


根据2013年3月的净资产估算,俄罗斯寡头米哈伊尔·普罗霍罗夫(Mikhail Prokhorov)身家约为130亿美元。2010年5月购买新泽西网队大部分股权的行为,不但使普罗霍罗夫成为NBA第一个非北美籍的球队拥有者,更使其声名鹊起;2012年,普罗霍罗夫与弗拉基米尔·普京共同角逐总统竞选,在俄罗斯引起了不小的震动。
But not all Russian tycoons prefer to purchase shockingly expensive items. Russian billionaire Alexander Lebedev, for instance, bought the loss-making Irish newspapers, The Independent and Independent for Sunday, in 2010 for only1 pound - the cost of one daily edition of the newspaper. He also became an owner of the Evening Standard for the same sum shortly before that. Three years later, Lebedev, who made the 2013 Forbes Russia list with $600 million, announced his decision to trade entrepreneurship for journalism and became a head of the Novaya Gazeta investigations bureau, in which he owns 39 percent.


也并不是所有的俄罗斯富豪都喜欢奢侈购物。例如,2010年俄罗斯亿万富翁亚历山大·列别捷夫(Alexander Lebedev)仅花费了1英镑就收购了亏损的爱尔兰《独立报》和《独立报周末版》,仅相当于该报纸一版的费用。而在此之前,列别捷夫也以同样的收购价格成为《伦敦旗帜晚报》的所有者之一。三年后,以6亿美元身家上榜2013年《福布斯》俄罗斯富豪榜的列别捷夫宣布将从事新闻工作,并成为其拥有39%股份的《新报》调查部负责人。
Chelsea owner and steel magnate Roman Abramovich poured $400 million into a new museum on New Holland Island, a collapsing ex-military base in a St. Petersburg canal created in the 18th century, to house his private collection. The 47-year-old tycoon, who began life as an orphan and is now worth $10.2 billion, intends to transform the 18-acre island that takes its name from a number of canals and shipbuilding facilities resembling Amsterdam into a cultural center.


Apart from the Chelsea soccer team, he also owns the world's largest yacht and a string of homes in London, Paris and St Barts, as well as a New York mansion, which he recently purchased for $75 million.


前俄罗斯电信大亨叶夫根尼·希什瓦尔金(Evgeny Chichvarkin)在俄罗斯以古怪的着装风格而出名。2007年,更是斥资100万美元将施华洛世奇水晶装饰于其座驾轮胎,并在车身绘制苏联独裁者弗拉基米尔·列宁和约瑟夫·斯大林的肖像,该举震惊了莫斯科市民。两年后的 2009年,在因绑架和勒索被列入国际刑警组织通缉名单前不久,叶夫根尼·希什瓦尔金逃至伦敦。去年1月,由于俄罗斯刑法修订,针对其公司(Evroset)的案子被终止,对其本人的绑架指控也在一年前被撤销,不过希什瓦尔金仍自愿流亡于伦敦。
Ex-Russian cell-phone tycoon Evgeny Chichvarkin, known in Russia for his eccentric dress style, shocked Muscovites with a car covered with images of the Soviet dictators Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin and tires encrusted with Swarovski crystals that cost $1 million in 2007. Two years later, in 2009, he fled to London shortly before he was placed on Interpol's wanted list over kidnapping and extortion charges. The case against his company, Evroset, was dropped last January due to amendments in Russia's Criminal Code and the abduction charges against him were dropped a year earlier. Nevertheless, Chichvarkin continues to live in self-imposed exile in London.


居住在摩纳哥的俄罗斯商人弗拉基米尔·科留金(Vladimir Klyukin)在戛纳电影节由一年一度的“amFAR”(艾滋病研究基金会)慈善拍卖活动中,以150万美元的最高成交价,拍到与莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥共游太空的机会。预计在明年的某个时刻,理查德·布兰森先生的“维珍银河宇宙飞船II号”将带领这两位旅客进入到68.3英里外的高空进行两小时的飞行,其中包括4分钟的失重体验。另外,在此次太空旅行之前,俄罗斯商人弗拉基米尔·科留金将与好莱坞著名演员莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥一起在新墨西哥州接受数天的培训。
标签: 富翁
