别洛焦尔斯克古城中的迷人教堂 切格姆瀑布,在北高加索地区中心哭泣


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
Moscow is notorious for its multi-kilometer traffic jams, and public transport is overloaded, so more and more people are starting to pedal. / Anna, student. Cycle Trek. Red Square.

Alena Chendler

莫斯科长达几公里的堵车场景,和公共交通超载是出了名的,所以越来越多的人开始骑车了。 /安娜,学生。
This trend is just starting to gain popularity in Russia. Cycle lanes are beginning to appear in the city, although the sidewalks are still littered with cars and driving among the traffic is sometimes very dangerous. / Anya. Cycle Schwinn

Alena Chendler

这一潮流才刚刚开始在俄罗斯流行起来。自行车道也开始在城市里出现,尽管人行道上还四处停着汽车,而在车流之间骑车有时是非常危险的。 /安雅。
The heroines of Alena Chandler's blog cycleslady.com are stylish Muscovite women not afraid to ride a bike through the city in a skirt or dress. Rather than losing their femininity, they add beauty and charm to this age-old means of transport. / Dasha, fashion editor. Cycle Trek Drift. Arbat street.

Alena Chendler

阿伦娜·钱德勒的博客cycleslady.com的女主角是不怕穿裙子或正装骑自行车穿城而过的莫斯科时尚女性。她们不仅失去自己的女人味,反而为这种古老的交通工具增添了独特的美丽和魅力。 /达沙,时尚编辑。
Alena finds her heroines in the streets of Moscow. Women are photographed on Red Square, at a design factory, near a bakery in the center, in a park, or against the backdrop of a business center or pedestrian street. The project is not a studio production, but a genuine photo story about real women who travel around the city by bicycle./ Dusya, administrator in Flacon Design Factory. Cycle Electra

Alena Chendler

阿伦娜在莫斯科街头找到了她的女主角。她四处拍摄女性,在红场,在设计厂,在市中心附近的一家面包店,在公园,或是以商务中心或步行街为背景。这个项目不是室内拍摄,而是真实的女性骑自行车在城市中穿行的真正的照片故事。 / 杜西亚, 设计厂厂长。
The Moscow government is beginning to support more public cycling initiatives. Around 30 rental stations have already been installed in the city, and bikeways have appeared in some areas. The plan is to build up to 130 kilometers of lanes. / Julia, arhitect. Cycle Globe Carmel. Tretyakovsky proezd.

Alena Chendler

莫斯科政府开始加大对公共自行车的支持力度。城区中已设立了约30处自行车租赁站,在一些地区已经出现了自行车道。政府计划建设130公里的自行车道。 /优利娅,建筑师。
In June, for the second year in succession, Moscow hosted a "velo-parade" for those wishing to draw attention to the development of cycling infrastructure. / Luba. Cycle Trek

Alena Chendler

6月,莫斯科连续第二年为那些希望公众关注自行车基础设施建设的人举办了“速度游行”。 /卢芭。
In 2013, the embankment roads alongside the Kremlin were closed off for the event. Approximately 7000 people took part, including many fashionistas on multi-colored bicycles. / Cycle Giant. Gorky Park.

Alena Chendler

2013年,沿克里姆林宫的堤岸路为这一活动特意封闭。约有7000人参加活动,其中包括了众多喜爱彩色自行车的时尚人士。 / 高尔基公园。
Many talk about the harsh climate: winter in Russia lasts six months and makes cycling around the city rather difficult. Cyclists reject such pessimism: "It's worth buying a bike and starting to ride just for six months of the year." / Masha, buyer. 14Bike C. Belorusskaya metro station.

Alena Chendler

许多人会说气候恶劣:俄罗斯的冬天长达6个月,使得在城市里汽车非常困难。骑自行车的人不接受这种悲观情绪:“买一辆自行车哪怕一年只骑6个月也是值得的。” /玛莎,买主。
The girls in the photo are reminiscent of participants in Tweed Ride — another recent cycling attraction to arrive in Moscow and St Petersburg. / Nadya. Cycle Gary Fisher. Gorky Park.

Alena Chendler

照片中的女孩让人想起最近的复古自行车赛的参赛者 - 另一个吸引莫斯科和圣彼得堡民众注意力的自行车活动。 /娜佳。
Tweed Ride is an elegant two-wheel spin in the traditional British style. Unlike other cycling events, Tweed Ride is not a race. More important is the manner in which the participants ride, as well as their appearance and the type of bicycle they use. / Natasha. Cycle Electra

Alena Chendler

复古自行车赛是一种传统英式风格的优雅的两轮自行车赛。与其他的自行车赛事不同,特威德自行车赛不是一场比赛。更重要的是参赛者乘车的仪态,以及他们的装束和所用自行车的类型。 /娜塔莎。
Initially, the Tweed Run is a group bicycle ride through the centre of London, in which the cyclists are expected to dress in traditional British cycling attire, particularly tweed plus four suits. / Natasha. Cycle Stels. Patriarch’s Ponds.

Alena Chendler

最初,复古自行车赛是一群自行车手穿越伦敦市中心,车手要穿传统的英国自行车服装,特别是粗花呢套装。 /娜塔莎。
The first Tweed Run was held on the 24th of January 2009. Then various tweed rides have since been held in Boston, Chicago, Texas, New York, Helsinki, Paris,Tokyo, Toronto, Berlin and finally in Moscow and Saint Petersburg. / Sonya. Cycle Fuji

Alena Chendler

第一届复古自行车赛是在2009年1月24日举行的。此后,各种复古自行车赛在波士顿,芝加哥,德克萨斯,纽约,赫尔辛基,巴黎,东京,多伦多,柏林举行,终于来到了莫斯科和圣彼得堡。 /索尼娅。
标签: 莫斯科自行车俄罗斯美女
