人非圣贤孰能无过    各国“第一夫妇”是如何离婚的 俄罗斯总统普京同妻子宣布离婚


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
Kholuy(distance from Moscow to Kholuy 378 km) is an age-old village of icon painting and lacquer miniatures in the Yuzhsky region of Ivanovo Oblast, located on both banks of the Teza River. Kholuy is one of the historic places in Russia’s Golden Ring.

Denis Sinyakov

克霍鲁伊村( Kholuy )(距离莫斯科378公里)是伊万诺沃州的一座古老村庄,以肖像画和漆器小塑像闻名泰扎河(Teza)两岸。克霍鲁伊村是俄罗斯金环旅游线路上的一处历史悠久的地方。
The correct pronunciation of the name of the village places the stress on the first syllable. The word "khOluy" meant a wattle-fence made of twigs to catch fish. Fishing was a very well developed industry in the village, and residents were called "KhOluyniks."

Denis Sinyakov

村名的正确发音应该把重音放在第一个音节上。重音在第二个音节是指用来捕鱼的小树枝编成的网子。捕鱼是村里非常发达的一个行业,村里的居民也被称“ Kholuyniks”。
Residents of Kholuy in Ivanovo Oblast, to the north-east of Moscow, are accustomed to the spring floods: here they happen every year.

Denis Sinyakov

High water is an annual spring event in the village — so much so that tourists from Ivanovo and Moscow come every year to feast their eyes on the "Russian Venice," generally around about Easter time.

Denis Sinyakov

每年春天村子都会遭遇洪水 - 以至于来自伊万诺沃州和莫斯科的游客每年通常都会在复活节前后来这里大饱眼福,一睹俄罗斯的威尼斯。
This year's flooding in Kholuy was a little different: Easter came late, so the habitual overlap was missed.

Denis Sinyakov

A severe deluge one year gives way to mild flooding the next, but then it happens that two springs in a row everything is submerged.

Denis Sinyakov

The local Teza River has overflowed, leaving only a few islets: a shop and houses built on high ground.

Denis Sinyakov

Peak flooding in Kholuy occurred at the beginning of May. The school and art college closed for an unscheduled break.

Denis Sinyakov

The main local production facility, which manufactures lacquer miniatures, was brought to a standstill due to flooding.

Denis Sinyakov

Kholuyniks, by their own admission, are philosophical about the high water season.

Denis Sinyakov

Yet they always prepare for the worst: the local administration arranges a ferryboat service, while residents move valuables out of harm’s way and board up.

Denis Sinyakov

The “gondoliers” (as Kholuyniks call the ferrymen) are paid 60 rubles per hour by the local administration. The service is free for residents and operates from 6am to 10pm.

Denis Sinyakov

Kholuy can be reached by bus. From Moscow’s Schelkovsky bus station, take the bus to the town of Yuzha (twice daily at 10:30 and 20:45; 8 hours; RUB 446). In Yuzha, change bus for Kholuy (4 daily; 30 mins).

Denis Sinyakov

克霍鲁伊村可以乘坐公交车到达。来自莫斯科的萨维尔洛夫火车站乘坐公交车到御札镇( Yuzha )(每天两班,发车时间是10:30和20:45 ; 行程8小时; 票价446卢布)。在御札镇换乘前往克霍鲁伊村的公交车(每天4班,行程30分钟)。
By car: take Route M7 to the town of Lapinska, then the A113 to Yuzha, before following the signs to Kholuy.

Denis Sinyakov

驾车前往:走M7高速路到拉宾斯卡镇( Lapinska ),然后上A113公路去御札镇,再跟着路标前往克霍鲁伊村。
标签: 地区天气
