俄罗斯美女:“艺术体操女皇”阿丽娜•卡巴耶娃 卡累利阿的飞来石


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
People plough the Indigirka River, crossing tens of kilometers in search of ice banks and taluses. A top-grade 64 kg tusk is a very good "catch" for a few days of searching.

Alexander Li

Everyone realizes his dream as best he can. Indigirka lives by the law, "He who shoots well is right." They also say, "No entry to strangers."

Alexander Li

Sasha, nicknamed "The Beard," lives alone in an old house on a fishing site that collapsed back in the 1980s. He came to Indigirka as a boy and now feels like a native of the North. He supports himself through fishing, hunting, and the occasional tusk find. Last year, he abandoned fishing in favor of tusk hunting, but his luck was out.

Alexander Li

The skull of an ancient bison, which lived side-by-side with the mammoth, is not the most valuable find. Even if verified by a museum, buyers pay just a couple of thousand rubles for it.

Alexander Li

Mammoth teeth, which can fetch up to 500 rubles each, are of no interest to anyone.

Alexander Li

The glances and even outright envy of those who have combed tens of kilometers of coastline to no avail sometimes provoke serious clashes.

Alexander Li

Footslogging back to the boat with a find in tow, casting familiar glances around in the hope of spying another slice of tusk, is the habit of every local hunter.

Alexander Li

To come across a tusk lying on the shore is luck with a capital L. It's a good omen to be the first to reach out and touch it - you'll be in for some more luck.

Alexander Li

在岸边碰到袒露在地表的象牙就是纯粹的运气。第一个伸手去触摸它会是一个好兆头 - 你会有更好的运气。
"People of Indigirka" are fishermen, hunters, adventurers. It is a photo story about people who rely only on themselves in this life, people with an open heart. It is about how they learned to survive, despite their remoteness from major urban areas.

Alexander Li

The ice banks can reach as high as a 5-storey block - a rather dangerous place to look for mammoth tusk, but the lure of fast bucks push local hunters to take risks. The "ice soldier" is the name given to this melting wall, which could come crashing down at any moment and cause a tidal wave from which boats cannot escape. Many die for the coveted tusks as a result of neglecting their own safety.

Alexander Li

冰岸可以高达5层楼 - 在这里寻找猛犸象牙是相当危险的,可是快速致富的诱惑却促使当地猎人去冒险。当地人称这些融化冰壁为“冰雪战士”,它们随时可能轰然倒下,导致船只无法逃脱的涌浪。许多人都是因为垂涎象牙却忽略自身的安全而丧命的。
Mammoth tusk is stronger than elephant ivory. During the millennia spent underground, the tusks acquire a variety of shades - from milky white and pink to bluey violet. Mammoth tusk has long been used to make decorative boxes, combs, jewelry, and weapons.

Alexander Li

猛犸象牙的强度要优于大象的象牙。在上千年的地下埋藏过程中,象牙会有各种色调的沁色 - 从乳白色、粉红色、蓝紫色各有不同。长期以来猛犸象牙被用来制作首饰盒、梳子、珠宝和武器。
"Tusk fever" makes these hardcore fishermen seek out adventurous exploits. In the territory around the White Mountain settlement, searchers find on average around 3.5 metric tons of mammoth tusk a year, most of which consists of fragments. Collectible tusks are highly prized.

Alexander Li

In Yakutia, the hunt for mammoth tusks begins in the spring. All the men inside the Arctic Circle set off in boats to "hunt" for ivory. The rural administrations issue "hunting" licenses. They sail along rivulets, hunting as they go. If they find a trophy, they can use it to buy a car or a snowmobile.

Alexander Li

The river mouth is replete with whitefish, broad whitefish, muksun, Siberian white salmon, Arctic cisco, and pollan.

Alexander Li

Traditional pursuits on the Indigirka River are fishing and fish processing, as well as hunting.

Alexander Li

The entire continental part of Yakutia (5130 miles North-East off Moscow) is covered with permafrost approximately 400 meters deep, and in some places up to 1.5 kilometers. Such conditions are ideal for the preservation of prehistoric animals.

Alexander Li

标签: 平民生活雅库特
