俄罗斯美女:网坛巨星和时尚明星安娜·库尔尼科娃  俄罗斯南部的洞穴修道院


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
The Moskvitch 400-420 was a car from Soviet manufacturer Moskvitch introduced in 1947. People in Rüsselsheim remember dismanteling the Kadett production tooling after World War II, to go into a large number of freight cars on their way to Moscow. Although Opel was US-property, GM did not recover control of the factory until 1948 and were therefore unable to contest the transfer.

RG / Sergey Mikheev

“莫斯科牌汽车400-420”车型由苏联莫斯科牌汽车汽车制造厂在1947 年推出。德国小镇吕塞尔斯海姆的人们还记得在第二次世界大战后被拆除的欧宝卡德特汽车生产机床,被大批货车转运至莫斯科的情景。虽然欧宝是美国产业,但由于1948年通用汽车公司才收复工厂的控制权,因此当时无权对转运事件提出抗议。
ZIL passenger cars are priced at the equivalent of models from Maybach and Rolls-Royce, but are largely unknown outside the CIS and production rarely exceeds a dozen cars per year.

RG / Sergey Mikheev

“ZIL” 乘用车的售价相当于迈巴赫和劳斯莱斯,但除了独联体国家很少人知道这个品牌,其每年的制造量最多不过10几部。
Zavod imeni Likhachova, more commonly called ZIL, is a major Russian truck and heavy equipment manufacturer, which also produced armored cars for most Soviet leaders.

RG / Sergey Mikheev

Production of NAZ-AA started on January 1, 1932, and the factory and marque was titled Nizhegorodsky Avtomobilny Zavod, or NAZ. In 1933, the factory's name changed to Gorkovsky Avtomobilny Zavod, or GAZ, when the city was renamed after Maxim Gorky; similarly, models were renamed GAZ-A and GAZ-AA.

RG / Sergey Kuksin

由当时厂名和商标均为“下诺夫哥罗德汽车制造厂”(别称“纳斯” NAZ)于1932年1月1日开始生产的“纳斯-AA”( NAZ-AA)车型。1933年,“下诺夫哥罗德汽车制造厂”更名为以马克西姆·高尔基命名的“高尔基汽车制造厂”,车型 也改为“嘎斯- A”(GAZ-A)和“嘎斯- AA ”(GAZ-AA)。
The Moskvitch M—427, a station wagon on the same base, produced from 1969, replacing the M-426 wagon. AZLK stopped making these in 1976.

RG / Sergey Mikheev

1969年,列宁共青团汽车制造厂生产的“M-426”旅行车升级版“莫斯科牌汽车 M-427”车型。1976年,该车型停产。
SZA-M, 1967. SeAZ (Serpukhovsky Avtomobilny Zavod) is a large engineering plant in Serpukhov, Russia. The company was founded on July 7, 1939, concerning production of small capacity motorcycles. During 1939 to 1995 the company produced various microcars, usually powered by IZH motorcycle engines.

RG / Sergey Mikheev

“SZA-M”型汽车,1967年款。成立于1939年7月7日的SeAZ (谢尔普霍夫汽车制造厂) 是俄罗斯谢尔普霍夫的一家大型工程机械制造厂,主要生产小排量摩托车。1939年至 1995 年间,该公司生产了多种以IZH摩托车引擎为主的微型汽车。
Zaporozhets is still warmly remembered in many ex-USSR countries. Like the Volkswagen Beetle or East Germany's Trabant, Soviet Zaporozhets was destined to become a "people's car". It was the cheapest Soviet car and so the most affordable to common people.

RG / Sergey Mikheev

ZAZ Zaporozhets was a series of subcompact cars designed and built from 1958 at the ZAZ factory in Soviet Ukraine . Different types of Zaporozhets were produced until 1994. The name Zaporozhets means a Cossack of the Zaporizhian region.

RG / Sergey Mikheev

系列微型车“扎波罗热牌汽车”, 由前苏联加盟共和国乌克兰扎波罗热汽车制造厂于1958年设计制造。直到1994年,该厂还在生产不同类型的“扎波罗热牌汽车”汽车。“扎波罗热牌汽车”指生活在扎波罗热地区的哥萨克人。
Twenty seven Soviet-made retro cars are on display at Moscow’s Manezh center near the Kremlin. The exposition features legends of the Soviet automotive industry, which spanned the history of the state from 1929 to 1991.

RG / Sergey Kuksin

GAZ-GL-1, experimental race car, produced in 1940. Today GAZ Group is the leading manufacturer of commercial vehicles in Russia. GAZ Group produces light commercial and medium-duty vehicles, heavy-duty trucks, buses, cars, powertrain and automotive components.

RG / Sergey Mikheev

试验车型“嘎斯-GL-1”生产于 1940 年。如今,嘎斯集团已成为俄罗斯领先的商用车生产商,从事轻型商务车、中型车、 重型卡车、 巴士、 轿车、 动力总成和汽车部件的生产。
Volga is an automobile brand that originated in the Soviet Union to replace the venerated GAZ-M20 Pobeda in 1956. Modern in design, it became a symbol of higher status in the Soviet nomenklatura. Volga cars were also traditionally used as taxi cabs, road police interceptors, and ambulances.

RG / Sergey Mikheev

GAZ M1 (based largely on the four cylinder version of the Ford Model B), produced from 1936 to 1942. The M letter stands for Molotovets ('of Molotov's fame'), it was the origin of the car's nickname, M'ka.

RG / Sergey Kuksin

以福特B型四缸车为模版的“嘎斯-M1”车型生产于1936年至1942年间。字母“M”代表苏联政治家“莫洛托夫的声望”( Molotov's fame'),也是这款车昵称M'ka 的来源。
The Moskvitch 2141, commonly referred to as simply Aleko, is a Russian small class, third group hatchback car that was first announced in 1985 and sold in the Soviet Union and its successor states between 1986 and 2000.

RG / Sergey Mikheev

1985年首发的被称为阿列科(Aleko)的“莫斯科牌汽车”2141型汽车,是俄罗斯一款小型三组两厢车,1986年至 2000 年间被销往苏联及独联体国家。
The LuAZ-967 was the civil designation of the Transporter of the Front Line, a small Soviet four-wheel drive amphibious vehicle. It was designed in 1959 at the Moskvitch MZMA plant, for Russian Airborne Troops. Mass production took place between 1961-1975 at Lutsk automobile plant - LuAZ.

RG / Sergey Mikheev

苏联制造的小型四驱两栖战场支援车卢阿斯967(LuAZ-967)是一款民用设计的前线运输车,1959 年由莫斯科牌汽车汽车制造厂姆兹玛(MZMA)车间为俄罗斯空降部队设计而成。1961至1975年间在乌克兰卢茨克汽车厂大规模生产。
GAZ or Gorkovsky Avtomobilny Zavod started in 1932 as cooperation between Ford and the Soviet Union. GAZ's first vehicle was the medium-priced Ford Model A, and a light truck, the Ford Model AA.

RG / Sergey Mikheev

别称“嘎斯”(GAZ)的高尔基汽车制造厂成立于1932 年,由福特公司与苏联合作建成。其生产的第一款车为中等价位的福特A型汽车和福特AA型轻型卡车。
Moskvitch was an automobile brand from Russia produced by AZLK from 1945 to 1991 and by OAO Moskvitch from 1991 to 2002. The word moskvitch (Russian: москвич) itself translates as "(a) Muscovite" into English. It was used to point out the original location of the cars manufactured outside of Moscow.

RG / Sergey Mikheev

“莫斯科牌汽车”( Moskvitch)是俄罗斯的一个汽车品牌,1945年至 1991年间由列宁共青团汽车制造厂生产,1991 年至2002 年间则由更名为“Moskvitch”的汽车制造厂生产,俄语原词直译过来就是“莫斯科牌汽车”的意思,被用来指明汽车生产于莫斯科郊外的工厂。
标签: 苏联汽车重返苏联历史展览会
