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潜入奥尔达洞穴 探索自然奥秘

来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
Renowned British speleologist Martin Farr, a visitor to Orda Cave, has this to say of the Perm spelunkers who have explored it: "These people are as extreme as their environment."

Photo: Viktor Lyagushkin; Model: Bogdana Vashenko; Source: ordacave.ru

到访过奥尔达海底洞穴的英国著名洞穴探险家马丁·法尔(Martin Farr),曾称赞彼尔姆洞穴探险者就像奥尔达海底洞穴一样极致完美。
In February 2006, Perm founded the Underwater Speleology Federation, which unites scientists and speleologists in the study and protection of Orda and other underwater caves in the Perm region.

Photo: Viktor Lyagushkin; Model: Bogdana Vashenko; Source: ordacave.ru

The opening of Orda Cave to divers has stimulated underwater speleology throughout the Perm region.

Photo: Viktor Lyagushkin; Model: Bogdana Vashenko; Source: ordacave.ru

So far, touch wood, the cave's labyrinth has not claimed any victims and all divers have returned home. This is perhaps proof of their high level of training.

Photo: Viktor Lyagushkin; Model: Bogdana Vashenko; Source: ordacave.ru

There are hundreds of ways to die in a cave; many divers do not resurface.

Photo: Viktor Lyagushkin; Model: Bogdana Vashenko; Source: ordacave.ru

Before gaining access to the watery wilderness, divers must first take a training course. Most accidents occur due to a lack of immersion training.

Photo: Viktor Lyagushkin; Model: Bogdana Vashenko; Source: ordacave.ru

Because of the potential dangers and difficulties, cave-diving is quite an elite sport.

Photo: Viktor Lyagushkin; Model: Bogdana Vashenko; Source: ordacave.ru

On entering such a world, you will inevitably be gripped by claustrophobia. Just think: there are no ambulances down here.

Photo: Viktor Lyagushkin; Model: Bogdana Vashenko; Source: ordacave.ru

One of the world's best cave-divers, the U.S.A.'s Jill Heiner, praised the skill of the Ural divers: "The Russian divers I know are the very best in the world; they work in very harsh immersion conditions."

Photo: Viktor Lyagushkin; Model: Bogdana Vashenko; Source: ordacave.ru

全世界最棒的洞穴潜水员,来自美国的吉尔·海纳(Jill Heiner),对乌拉尔潜水员的能力和技巧称赞有加:“我所知道的,在极其恶劣的条件下工作的俄罗斯潜水员是全世界最优秀的。”
Orda Cave is the longest underwater cave in Russia, the second longest underwater cave in Eurasia, and the world's longest underwater gypsum cave.

Photo: Viktor Lyagushkin; Model: Bogdana Vashenko; Source: ordacave.ru

The credit for exploring the cave's underwater galleries belongs to Russian divers

Photo: Viktor Lyagushkin; Model: Bogdana Vashenko; Source: ordacave.ru

Diving in the icy waters of the flooded section of Orda Cave poses a problem in itself. The temperature can be -20°C (-4°F).

Photo: Viktor Lyagushkin; Model: Bogdana Vashenko; Source: ordacave.ru

奥尔达海底洞穴水温最低可达零下20°C (-4°F),因此在洞穴中冰冷的水下潜水本身具有危险性。
Divers call Orda Cave the "white bride" because of the chalky color of the gypsum rock, which formed about 200 million years ago.

Photo: Viktor Lyagushkin; Model: Bogdana Vashenko; Source: ordacave.ru

The cave has not been fully explored, and you can always find a place where no one else has been.

Photo: Viktor Lyagushkin; Model: Bogdana Vashenko; Source: ordacave.ru

In what way does Orda differ from other underwater caves? It is a gypsum cave, the water temperature is low (+4°C), there are vast quantities of underground galleries, and the water is transparent with low turbidity.

Photo: Viktor Lyagushkin; Model: Bogdana Vashenko; Source: ordacave.ru

It acquired the official status of Russia's longest underwater in 1997 through the efforts of the first all-Russian underwater speleological expedition. Before then, only 1250 meters of the underwater section of the cave had been explored — that has now more than trebled to 4000 meters.

Photo: Viktor Lyagushkin; Model: Bogdana Vashenko; Source: ordacave.ru

Exploration of Orda Cave began back in 1992 by a group of enthusiastic cavers.

Photo: Viktor Lyagushkin; Model: Bogdana Vashenko; Source: ordacave.ru

Orda Cave is located 100 km south-east of the city of Perm in the Russian Urals, on the south-west outskirts of the village of Orda.

Photo: Viktor Lyagushkin; Model: Bogdana Vashenko; Source: ordacave.ru

标签: 自然旅游景点俄中旅游乌拉尔
