欣赏德米特里·穆尔经典海报 纪念俄国十月革命胜利95周年 西伯利亚的“死路”:极北铁路线


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
AVACHA BAY. The second largest bay in the world, surrounded on all sides by fells and snowy mountain peaks. Avacha Bay is so large that it can accommodate all the world’s fleets. It offers a view of the Koryak, Avachinsky and Vilyuchinsky volcanoes. At the entrance to the bay stands the "Three Brothers" rock, an official monument of nature and the symbol of Avacha Bay and the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.


KUNGUR ICE CAVE. One of nature’s unique monuments, this cave was formed by the Great Perm Sea. Scientists estimate that it is 10-12,000 years old. Today, experts consider Kungur Ice Cave to be the world's only gypsum cave with extensive glaciation and the seventh-longest in the world. Each year, it is visited by more than 10,000 tourists.


VALDAI NATIONAL PARK. Valdai National Park was created in order to preserve Seliger, a unique system of lakes and forests of glacial origin. Seliger is described as the “pearl of Russian nature.” It is located in central Russia, between Moscow and St. Petersburg, among the forests of the Valdai Hills, 360 km north-west of Moscow. The lake area is 260 sq km, of which Seliger’s more than 160 islands make up around 38 sq km.

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瓦尔代国家公园。瓦尔代国家公园是为保护由群湖和冰川森林组成的自然奇观“谢利格尔湖”而修建的。“谢利格尔湖”地处俄罗斯中部,位于莫斯科和圣彼得堡之间,距离莫斯科西北方360公里,四周为瓦尔代森林所环绕,被誉为“俄罗斯自然界的明珠”。湖面总面积为260 平方公里,其中约 38 平方公里由 160 多座岛屿所覆盖。
BASKUNCHAK SALT LAKE. A unique natural depression at the top of a huge salt mountain, penetrating miles deep into the earth and covered with sediment. The largest and most famous of all the world’s salt lakes, Baskunchak is 3 m deep and about 115 sq km in area. It is located in Astrakhan Oblast, 53 km east of the Volga.

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巴斯昆恰克湖。世界上最大最著名的盐湖“巴斯昆恰克湖”位于阿斯特拉罕州,伏尔加河以东53公里处,坐落于盐山顶部。该湖为天然凹陷,深入地下数英里,表面为沉积物所覆盖。巴斯昆恰克湖深6公里,总面积约 115 平方公里。
BELUKHA MOUNTAIN. This mountain is in the Ust-Koksinsky region of the Altai Mountains, and is the highest point in Siberia at an altitude of 4.5 km. The locals revere Belukha as a sacred mountain.


MAN-PUPU-NER PLATEAU. These giant stone statues located on the Man-Pupu-Ner plateau in a remote area of the Northern Urals in the Komi Republic were formed by selective weathering of the surrounding rocks. With a total of seven pillars, each rising 30-40 m high, the Man-Pupu-Ner plateau is a popular site for sports tourism.

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WHALE ALLEY. A unique monument of ancient Eskimo origin on Yttygrane Island located in the Strait of Senyavin off the south-eastern tip of Chukotka. The structure is formed of two rows of enormous bones of bowhead whales, dug in by the shore. The dimensions of the alley, which runs 500 m along the northern coast of the island, and its complex structure, are truly amazing.


鲸鱼巷。鲸鱼巷位于楚科奇东南端谢尼亚温海峡的伊特格兰岛上,是唯一一处古爱斯基摩人遗迹。鲸鱼巷由两排埋于海滩的露脊鲸巨大骨骼构成,沿岛屿北海岸线延伸500 米,结构复杂,规模宏大。
KRASNOYARSK PILLARS. “Krasnoyarsk Pillars” State Nature Reserve is sited 4 km from Krasnoyarsk on the right bank of the Yenisei River in the spurs of the Eastern Sayan Mountains. The "pillars" are volcanic rocks of gray-pink syenites stone, rising above the beautiful mountain Taiga. The rocks here reach 60-90 m high. Many centuries of action by water, wind, and temperature fluctuations have produced some bizarre shapes. Almost all the rocks are named after their appearance: "Feathers," "Lion Gate," "Grandfather," "Elephant," and "Chinese Wall" are just a few of them.

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克拉斯诺亚尔斯克石柱 。“克拉斯诺亚尔斯克石柱”国家自然保护区距离克拉斯诺亚尔斯克4公里,位于叶尼塞河右岸,地处萨彦山东部。“石柱”由火山形成的灰粉色正长石组成,矗立在美丽的针叶林山地。高达60-90米的石柱,千百年来在雨水、风暴和冷暖交替的洗礼侵蚀下,形态各异,千奇百怪。几乎所有的岩石都按照形状外观被赋予名字:如“羽毛”、“狮子门”、“老爷爷”、“大象”和“长城”等。
BOILING LAKE. The Kuril Islands are home to about 40 active and many extinct volcanoes. The region’s lakes are renowned for their extraordinary beauty. The southern part of Kunashir Island, 541 m above sea level, is home to the boiling Ponto Lake, located inside the caldera of Golovin Volcano. The water seethes and bubbles, releasing jets of gas and vapor that whistle over the coast. In 2005-2006, a study was conducted of the volcanism on Kunashir Island. Scientists discovered that the lake formed as a result of a phreatic explosion in the center of the caldera that produced a crater, about 350 meters in diameter, which then filled with water.

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沸水湖。千岛群岛上有约40座活火山和众多死火山。该地以湖泊景色怡人而闻名。国后岛南部海拔541 米处, 格洛文火山口内,有一座沸腾的彭托湖。湖水翻涌沸腾,气泡翻滚,如哨声般蒸腾的气体沿岸可见。在2005年至2006 年间,人们对国后岛上的火山进行了研究,科学家们发现该湖是由火山中心的地下岩浆爆炸后蓄水而成,火山口直径为350米。
WRANGEL ISLAND. This island in the Arctic Ocean, located at the intersection of the Western and Eastern hemispheres, is divided by the 180th meridian into two roughly equal parts. In 1976, Wrangel Island Reserve was set up to study and protect the natural systems of the Arctic islands, including the small neighboring island of Herald. The island is about 7670 sq km in area, of which about 4700 sq km in the central part is covered by mountains. Small glaciers, average-size lakes, and Arctic tundra are also found. Between the ridges run valleys with numerous rivers. The island is home to more than 140 rivers and streams each more than 1 km long, plus 5 rivers that stretch for more than 50 km.

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弗兰格尔岛 。弗兰格尔岛位于北冰洋东西半球交界线上,由180度经线分为面积大致相等的两部分。1976 年,成立了弗兰格尔岛保护区,用以研究和保护包括相邻的先驱岛在内的北极天然群岛。弗兰格尔岛面积约7670 平方公里,岛屿中央约 4700 平方公里为山脉所覆盖。岛上还有小型冰川、中等大小的湖泊和北极苔原。山谷之间溪流穿梭,岛上有140 多条超过1公里长的小溪,另有5条绵延50 多公里的河流。
ELBRUS. Mount Elbrus, located in the Caucasus, is in fact not a mountain, but a stratovolcano. It is the highest mountain in Russia. Elbrus has two summits: the western peak stands at an altitude of 5642 m and the eastern at 5621 m. The last eruption dates back to 50 B.C. ± 50 years. Because of its symbolic value as Europe’s highest point, Elbrus was the scene of fierce fighting during the Great Patriotic War, which involved units of Germany’s Edelweiss Mountain Division.


厄尔布鲁士峰 。 厄尔布鲁士峰位于高加索地区,是俄罗斯最高的山,而它实际上是一座复式火山。厄尔布鲁士峰有东西两座主峰,西峰海拔5642米,东峰海拔 5621米。该火山最近一次爆发是在公元前100年至公元元年间。由于厄尔布鲁士峰为欧洲最高峰,极具象征意义,卫国战争期间苏联军队和德国雪绒花山地师曾在此爆发过激烈冲突。
LAKE CHEDDAR. Located in the south of Tuva Basin, this lake lies on the border of Russia and Mongolia in a drainless basin flanked by Jurassic-era sand and clay rocks. The basin is surrounded by a rolling treeless plain. Since 1932, the lake has been the site of a resort. The main curative delights are brine and mud.


标签: 远东地区旅游景点俄中旅游西伯利亚
