俄罗斯美女:著名电视主播塔妮娅·格沃尔吉扬 走近俄北部美景:原生态的洞穴和斑驳的古修道院


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
The fall of 2014 will see the ballet troupe of Russia’s Mikhailovsky Theater make its first ever tour of the United States. On 11-23 November the company will perform at the David H. Koch Theater at the Lincoln Center, New York, and then at the Segerström Center in California on November 28-30. // Class Concert

Stas Levshin

2014年秋,俄罗斯米哈伊洛夫斯基剧院芭蕾舞团将开启首次美国之行。11月11日至23日,将在纽约林肯中心的戴维·H·科赫剧院进行演出;11月28日至30日,将在加利福尼亚的谢格斯特罗姆中心进行表演。//《芭蕾课》(Class Concert)
The tour program includes some classics of world ballet and Soviet-era pieces, as well as new works, indicating the company’s perennial search for new forms of expression. // Class Concert

Stas Levshin

此次旅美演出剧目不但包括世界经典芭蕾舞作品及苏联时代作品,同时包括舞团的最新剧目。米哈伊洛夫斯基剧院芭蕾舞团一直在不断寻求表演方式上的新突破。 //《芭蕾课》(Class Concert)
Don Quixote, ballet in three acts with prologue, music by Ludwig Minkus. New production premiered at the Mikhailovsky Theater in 2012.

Stas Levshin

由路德维希·明库斯(Ludwig Minkus)编曲的带序幕的三幕芭蕾舞剧《堂吉诃德》(Don Quixote)新版剧目,于2012年在米哈伊洛夫斯基剧院首次公演。
In 1869 Moscow’s Bolshoi Theater premiered a comic production of the work, staged by Marius Petipa to the music of Ludwig Minkus, which told of the doomed marriage of a young beauty to a rich man because of her true love for a poor boy. // Don Quixote

Stas Levshin

1869年,由马柳思·别基帕(Marius Petipa)主演、路德维希·明库斯谱曲的喜剧芭蕾舞剧在莫斯科大剧院首次公演,讲述了一个爱着穷小子的漂亮小姐与一个富有男人之间注定失败的婚姻故事。//《堂吉诃德》
Giselle, or The Wilis, fantasy ballet in two acts, music by Adolphe Adam. New production premiered by the Mikhailovsky Theater on November 3, 2007.

Elena Blednyh

由阿道夫·亚当(Adolphe Adam)编曲的两幕芭蕾舞剧《吉赛尔》(又名《威利斯》)新版剧目,于2007年11月3日在米哈伊洛夫斯基剧院首次公演。
The original premiere took place in 1841 in Paris. Over time Giselle was choreographed to perfection by Marius Petipa. In the early 20th century, during the triumphal “Russian Seasons” in Paris, the French saw their national ballet lovingly recast in Russia. // Giselle, or The Wilis

Jack Devant

1841年,芭蕾舞剧《吉赛尔》在巴黎首次公演,之后由马柳思·别基帕(Marius Petipa)精心编排,趋于完美。20世纪初期,在巴黎庆祝胜利的“俄罗斯演出季”期间,法国人有幸观赏到了由俄罗斯人精心重排的本土芭蕾舞剧《吉赛尔》。//《吉赛尔》(又名《威利斯》)
The Flames of Paris, ballet in three acts, music by Boris Asafiev. Premiered at the Mikhailovsky Theater on July 22, 2013.

Stas Levshin

由鲍里斯·阿沙菲耶夫(Boris Asafiev)编曲的三幕芭蕾舞剧《巴黎的火焰》,于2013年7月22日在米哈伊洛夫斯基剧院首演。
This historical fresco on the events of the French Revolution has returned to the stage, searing audiences with the flame of the struggle for freedom and dignity. Original choreography by Vasily Vainonen, recognized as one of the greatest achievements of Soviet ballet, recreated by Mikhail Messerer. // The Flames of Paris

Stas Levshin

讲述法国大革命历史画卷的舞剧重回舞台,点燃了观众心中为自由和尊严而战的火焰。由瓦西里·瓦伊诺年(Vasily Vainonen)编排的《巴黎的火焰》,被认为是苏联最伟大的芭蕾舞作品之一,之后由米哈伊尔·梅塞勒(Mikhail Messerer)重新编排。//《巴黎的火焰》
Le halte de cavalerie (The Cavalry Halt). Ballet in one act. Music by Ivan Armsgeimer. Premiered at the Mikhailovsky Theater on April 30, 1975.

Mikhailovsky theatre

由伊万·阿尔姆斯盖伊梅尔(Ivan Armsgeimer)编曲的独幕芭蕾舞剧《停止受难》,于1975年4月30日在米哈伊洛夫斯基剧院首次公演。
One of his so-called minor ballets, the brilliant Marius Petipa’s perfectly choreographed The Cavalry Halt is almost a comic sketch. The compositional mastery of the mature Petipa, who created the ballet between Swan Lake and Raymonda, is a delight to behold. The dance elements on display here rival the classics. // Le halte de cavalerie (The Cavalry Halt)

Svetlana Avvakum

虽将《停止受难》视为个人芭蕾生涯中的一个小剧目,才华横溢的马柳思·别基帕(Marius Petipa)还是精心编排,将其几乎演绎成一部喜剧作品。在创造了《天鹅湖》和《雷蒙达》的别基帕的成熟演绎下,一切看出来是那么的赏心悦目。这部作品中展示的舞蹈元素可与经典芭蕾舞剧相媲美。// 《停止受难》
Prelude, one-act ballet, music by Georg Handel, Ludwig van Beethoven, Benjamin Britten Choreographer, artistic director, costume designer: Nacho Duato. Its conceptual core is a meeting between the two worlds of classical ballet and modern dance, at once disparate yet both in search of mutual understanding and penetration.

Nikolay Krusser

由乔治·亨德尔(George Handel)和路德维希·凡·贝多芬(Ludwig van Beethoven)编曲、本杰明·布里顿(Benjamin Britten)编舞并艺术指导、纳丘·杜亚托(Nacho Duato)担任服装设计的独幕芭蕾舞剧《前奏》(Prelude),突出体现了古典芭蕾舞和现代舞蹈,两个不同舞蹈世界寻求互相理解和相互渗透的核心概念。
标签: 艺术剧院表演芭蕾舞
