奥克萨•阿金申娜:一个让导演害怕的女演员 足尖上的俄罗斯:俄画家定格芭蕾艺术的优雅


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
Russia is a huge northern country where, for many people, winter never seems to go away. The first month of spring, March, in Russia is often as depicted in this painting: drifts and snow-covered houses with the sun peeking through the clouds for the first time after the long winter. //March Sun, 1915 Yuon

Konstantin Yon

This could be a typical spring day in Russia — fewer snowdrifts, but kids are still sledding down the snowy hills. Early March is usually the time of Maslenitsa or Shrovetide, when winter is seen off, although it is in no hurry to depart. // Spring Sunny Day, 1910, Konstantin Yuon

Konstantin Yuon

Spring in St. Petersburg in the 19th century often arrived with floods. The city was built in a swampy area, on the Gulf of Finland, at the mouth of the Neva River. During its 300-year history, according to various sources, about 300 floods have been recorded in St. Petersburg. // Spring in the Vicinity of St. Petersburg,1896, Ivan Welz

Ivan Welz

“The Rooks Have Arrived” ( 1871) is a famous painting by Russian artist Alexei Savrasov. He first sketched it at the village of Molvitino near Kostroma (340 km from Moscow). This picture of a typical early spring day is complemented by the image of the Church of the Resurrection, which survives to this day.

Aleksei Savrasov

《白嘴鸦飞来了》(1871)是俄罗斯画家阿列克谢·萨夫拉索夫(Alexei Savrasov)的名作。他先是在科斯特罗马(距莫斯科340公里)附近的莫尔维基诺村创作了该画的初稿,后在这幅典型的早春画作中添了一座复活教堂。这座教堂至今仍保留完好。
Artist Sergei Vinogradov painted mostly in a decorative plein-air manner. His forte was landscapes with natural light in natural conditions. // Spring Is Coming, 1911 Sergei Vinogradov

Sergei Vinogradov

画家谢尔盖·维诺格拉多夫(Sergei Vinogradov)的大部分画作均带有装饰性强的外光画法风格。他擅长再现自然光下的自然风景。
Levitan often employed the motif of the awakening of nature. He especially loved the spring landscapes of northern Russia: bright sunshine and summer heat are yet to arrive, but the snow is melting away and the rivers are becoming free of ice. / Early Spring, 1899 Isaac Levitan

Isaak Levitan

The life of artist Bogdanov-Belsky, the author of this picture, was full of contradictions. He was the son of a hired peasant worker, yet studied at the Imperial Academy of Arts of Ilya Repin, the famous Russian artist. Bogdanov-Belsky received an excellent education, but never lost touch with Russian nature and often turned to the peasantry, education for peasant children, and simple Russian rural landscapes for his themes. / Melted Water, 1933 Nikolai Bogdanov-Belsky

Nikolai Bogdanov-Belski

Another painting by Isaac Levitan dedicated to spring. In Russian, it is literally called “Spring — Big Water”, as it depicts the moment when a river swells over and floods everything around. / Spring High Waters, 1897 Isaac Levitan

Isaak Levitan

For Petrov-Vodkin, this represents an unusual vision of spring. The artist depicts a spring, already green landscape. In later years, he moved away from abstract painting and tried to express his thoughts through images of ordinary people, who are the heroes of his paintings. / Spring 1935, Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin

Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin

In this painting by Kustodiev on the theme of spring, there is a feeling of lightness. He tries to convey a sense of freedom — the joy of moving and breathing when spring comes. / Spring, 1921 Boris Kustodiev

Boris Kustodiev

Venetsianov often depicted peasants and workers. In this picture, a Russian plow-woman and the entire surrounding landscape seem to be hailing the coming of spring. / In the Fields Spring, Alexei Venetsiantov

Aleksei Venetsianov

During the revolution of 1917, deprived of his studio, canvases, and paints, Konstantin Korovinin was in a state of distress. Having moved from Moscow to Ostrovno on the shores of Lake Udomlya in the Tver region (371 km from Moscow), the artist painted from memory, producing miniatures on cardboard. / Spring 1917, Konstantin Korovin

Konstantin Korovin

1917年革命期间,画家康斯坦丁·克洛文(Konstantin Korovinin)的工作室、画布和颜料被收缴,处境忧困。从莫斯科迁居特维尔州(距莫斯科371公里)乌多姆利亚湖畔的奥斯特洛夫诺后,画家凭借记忆在纸板上创作微型作品。
Stanislav Zhukovsky grew up on the family estate, which he lost on the death of his father due to unpaid debts. He moved to Moscow, but continued to paint the “nests of the gentry” (as family country estates passed from one generation to the next were known, used by Ivan Turgenev for the name of one of his novels). In this painting, spring is represented by the table laid out to celebrate Easter. / Early spring, 1902, Stanislav Zhukovsky

Stanislav Zhukovski

斯坦尼斯拉夫·茹科夫斯基(Stanislav Zhukovsky)在自家庄园中长大,最终因父亲的身后债而失去庄园。搬至莫斯科后,他继续在画中描绘“贵族之家”(指贵族世袭的乡下庄园,伊万·屠格涅夫曾出版同名小说)。在这幅画里,桌上庆祝复活节的摆设寓意着春天。
A portrait of an unknown girl painted by Ivan Kulikov in 1912. He had just graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts and produced many portraits and landscapes at that time. On the eve of the First World War, the artist traveled around abandoned family estates and made copies of the paintings, sculptures, and archived documents that he found there. / Spring, 1912 Ivan Kulikov

Ivan Kulikov

伊万·库利科夫(Ivan Kulikov)于1912年创作了这幅无名女孩的肖像。库利科夫那时刚从美术学院毕业,在那一时期创作了大量肖像和风景画。第一次世界大战前夕,画家四处寻访荒芜的贵族庄园,并复制在那里所找到的绘画雕塑作品以及文档。
标签: 文化画家
