最是一年春好处:俄画家描绘春天的14幅名作 俄汽车史上12款经典概念车型


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
Artists have often addressed the topic of Russian ballet: the pose, movement, and plasticity of ballerinas have inspired the creation of some genuine masterpieces / Portrait of ballerina Olga Lepeshinskaya. Alexander Gerasimov, 1939

Aleksandr Gerasimov

Fine arts and dance mutually enriched each other throughout the twentieth century: in many respects it was painting that introduced and endeared Russian ballet to the world / Zinaida Serebryakova, Ballet dressing-room

Zinaida Serebryakova

For three years, artist Zinaida Serebryakova (1884-1967) was able to attend ballet rehearsals at the Mariinsky Theater, which is reflected in her sumptuous series of ballet portraits and compositions / Girls Sylphides (Ballet Chopiniana), Zinaida Serebryakova, 1924

Zinaida Serebryakova

Painting, graphic arts, photography, and sculpture, with their powerful visual capacity, took ballet beyond the theater and into the wider consciousness / Ilya Repin, Scene from the ballet, 1875

Ilya Repin

The promotion of Russian ballet abroad was greatly served by Sergei Diaghilev, theatrical figure and popularizer of Russian culture, who engaged a huge number of artists from Russia for the scenery and decorations of his "Ballets Russes” seasons that began in 1909 in Paris, London, and Rome / Russian ballet. Champs-Elysees. Sylphides. Konstantin Somov

Konstantin Somov

谢尔盖·佳吉列夫(Sergei Diaghilev, 1872-1929)极力促成了俄罗斯芭蕾的海外推广。他是戏剧界的著名人物,也是俄罗斯文化的积极推广者。从1909年起,佳吉列夫的俄罗斯芭蕾舞演出季陆续在巴黎、伦敦和罗马开启,为此他邀请了众多的俄罗斯艺术家为演出打造布景和舞台装饰。
Diaghilev collaborated with Natalia Goncharova (1881—1962), Nikolas Roerich (1874—1947), Aleksandr Benois (1870—1960), Zinaida Serebryakova (1884-1967), and many other Russian painters. They not only created ballet scenery, but also self-sufficient works of art that left traces in global culture / Russian ballet, Konstantin Somov, 1910

Konstantin Somov

佳吉列夫与娜塔莉亚·冈察洛娃(Natalia Goncharova,1881—1962)、尼古拉·罗德里克(Nikolas Roerich,1874—1947)、亚历山大·贝努瓦(Aleksandr Benois,1870—1960)、季娜伊达·谢列布里亚科娃等许多俄罗斯画家合作。他们不仅为芭蕾舞剧创作布景,也完成了很多留名世界文化史的芭蕾绘画作品。
Zinaida Serebryakova did not paint ballet action scenes, as were typical of Edgar Degas or Konstantin Somov. Her paintings were devoted to the life of the ballet dressing-room: her ballet is one of portraits of ballerinas in costumes / Zinaida Serebryakova, In the ballet dressing-room (Bolshoi ballerinas), 1922

Zinaida Serebryakova

同埃德加·德加(Edgar Degas,1834-1917)、康斯坦丁·索莫夫不同的是,季娜伊达·谢列布里亚科娃并未去表现芭蕾的舞台场景,而是注重描绘化妆间里的人物形态:她通过描绘身着演出服装的芭蕾女演员来阐释别样芭蕾。
Alla Shelest (1919-1998) was a Soviet prima ballerina, who danced and taught at the Mariinsky Theater, the Aterballetto in Reggio Emilia, Italy, and the Budapest Theater of Opera and Ballet / Viktor Oreshnikov,  Portrait of ballerina Alla Shelest, 1949

Victor Oreshnikov

阿拉·舍列斯特(Alla Shelest,1919-1998)是苏联时期的芭蕾首席女演员,曾在马林斯基剧院、意大利雷焦艾米利亚的阿岱芭蕾舞团(Aterballetto)、匈牙利歌剧芭蕾舞剧院表演和任教。
The ballet "La Sylphide", in which the role of the mythical sylph was performed by the brilliant Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova (1881-1931), was based on the fantasy novella "Trilby" by French writer Charles Nodier (1822)  / Valentin Serov, Anna Pavlova in "La Sylphide", 1909

Valentin Serov

由俄罗斯芭蕾女神安娜·巴甫洛娃(Anna Pavlova,1881-1931)主演仙女一角的芭蕾舞剧《仙女们》改编自法国作家查尔斯·诺蒂埃(Charles Nodier,1780-1844)的神话故事《特里尔比》(Trilby, 1822)。
Sergei Sudeikin (1882-1946) was expelled from the Moscow School of Painting for a style that was "not part of the curriculum," but after a couple of years later became a popular theater artist. During his career, he designed stage settings for many theaters, such as the Metropolitan Opera / Sergei Sudeikin, 1910

Sergei Sudeikin

谢尔盖·苏德金(Sergei Sudeikin, 1882-1946)曾因画风“与课程格格不入”而被莫斯科绘画学校开除,但数年后却成为广受欢迎的剧院艺术家。在整个职业生涯中,他曾为美国大都会歌剧院等很多剧院设计舞台布景。
The ballet “Pavillon d'Armide” was staged at the Mariinsky Theater in St Petersburg in 1907, and two years later the premiere, starring Anna Pavlova, was held in Paris thanks to Sergei Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes / Sergei Sudeikin, Russian ballet (Pavlova and Nijinsky in "Pavillon d'Armide"), 1907

Sergei Sudeikin

标签: 文化画家
