和谐相处于同一画面中的苏联与平行世界 俄罗斯美女:“工厂”女孩亚历山德拉·萨维利耶娃


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
His photographs are not a direct report, but fine, unobtrusive arrangements created by a masterful director. There are such photos as “Ataman Inspecting Cossack Units”, “Farewell to a Cossack leaving for service”, “Cossack family on holiday” and other scenes from the everyday lives of his fellow Cossacks. / Cossacks returning to Tsymlyanskaya from the bazaar

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In these photographs, the originality of the author’s vision, the feeling for the situation, and his talent to give a precise expression to a concise graphic form stand out. It can be said of Boldyrev—and with good reason—that he was an important and distinctive artist who greatly contributed to the development of Russian photography. / Farewell to Cossack leaving for service

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这些照片显示了博尔德列夫独特的视野、对当时形势的把握、用简洁画面精确阐释内涵的才华。完全有理由认为,博尔德列夫是位重要而独特的艺术家,正是他大大促进和发展了俄罗斯的摄影艺术。 图为同前去服役的哥萨克军人道别。
Don Cossacks have also left their trace in culture. The novel, And Quiet Flows the Don, gained international fame in the 20th century. In 1934, the book’s English translation was released and in 1965, its author, Mikhail Sholokhov, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature with the epithet “For artistic force and integrity of this epic about the Don Cossacks at a crucial time in Russia.” / Street to the feast in the vineyard. Land of the 2nd Don Regiment in the village of Tsymlyanskaya

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Cossacks learned how to mount a horse from just 5 years-old. At age 7, they learned how to shoot, and at 10 years-old, they learned how to wield a sword. Training went on constantly and was physically demanding. At the same time, six year-old Cossacks helped their elders out in the field and herded sheep and other livestock. / Gathering Cossacks on the Gunotov Farma in Esaulovskaya Village

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This photograph displays Cossacks from the 19th century. At that time, Cossacks left home at the age of 17 to serve three years in the regiment, return home for two years, return to the regiment and so on for four or five times. / Tsymlyanskaya

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这张照片是19世纪的哥萨克村庄。当时的哥萨克人17岁时离开家乡去部队服役三年,回家两年后再去服兵役,一生要如此四到五次。 图为齐姆梁斯克村。
Throughout the history of the Russian Empire, Cossacks were “free” and served the empire under special, less severe conditions. They were, for example, exempt from paying taxes and levies and could trade without any duties. /  Shepherds. Tsymlyanskaya, 1875-1876

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在整个俄罗斯帝国时期,哥萨克人都是“自由”的,为沙俄服役时也享有较为宽松的特殊制度。例如,哥萨克骑兵不用纳税,做贸易也不用上交任何税费。 图为牧羊人,摄于1875年至1876年的齐姆梁斯克。
The Don Cossacks trace their history from the 15th century to the present. According to the 2002 census, over 140 thousand people who describe themselves as “Cossacks” live in Russia alone. / Gathering for Service

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顿河哥萨克的历史从15世纪延续到现在。根据2002年的俄罗斯人口普查,仅在俄罗斯就有超过14万人自称“哥萨克人”。 图为共同去服役。
The Don Cossacks were the largest Cossack army in the Russian Empire. Their name is historically tied to the Don River (a river in European Russia), on whose shores the Cossacks settled. /  The Don in front of Tsymlyanskaya Village

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Before us emerges a gallery of the representatives of Don Cossacks: loyal servants, often of a stern temper, faithful to their customs and traditions, who fiercely value freedom. It is not without reason that they are popularly called “free Cossacks”. / A Cossack Family on Holiday.

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Ivan Vasilievich Boldyrev was born in 1850 in the village of Ternovskaya located on the Don River, the place where Cossacks have lived since time immemorial. His father served in the czar’s service for many years. Yet, until the age of fifteen, the future photographer was practically an orphan, making his living by helping his grandfather herd cattle due to his father’s absence. / Ivan Vasilievich Boldyrev

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“The Don Album” is a collection of photographs that Boldyrev entitled “Views and Types of the Second Don Region (1875-76)”. They consist of dozens of amazing images taken by the photographer in Cossack settlements that he regularly returned to in the summer. / 75 year-old Cossack

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“顿河相簿”是一部照片合集,博尔德列夫将其命名为《第二顿河区的风景和类型( 1875年至1876年)》。博尔德列夫经常在夏天回到哥萨克定居点,并在那里拍摄出大量令人眼前一亮的好作品,后收录在顿河相簿中。图为75岁的哥萨克老人。
Most of Boldyrev’s works are everyday scenes that the talented artist created with precision. The collection of photographs he took in his native land is undoubtedly his most interesting. /  Cossacks watering the garden

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天才艺术家博尔德列夫的大多数作品都是其对日常生活情景的精心捕捉。无疑,在家乡拍摄的组照是他最有意思的作品。 图为在花园浇水的哥萨克人。
With the help of his wide-angle lens and instant photo shutter, Boldyrev rose to fame shooting landscapes, both still and from the car of a moving train. / A Cossack selling wine from Tsymlyanskaya

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在他自创的广角镜头和快门的帮助下,博尔德列夫因拍摄风景而一举成名。其中不仅有静物照,也有从移动的火车车厢上拍摄的风景照。 图为贩卖齐姆梁斯克酒的哥萨克人。
Using several lenses placed in a self-made carton frame, he ended up with a simple, but extremely effective lens that allowed him to take a proper photograph. / Sheep shearing

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He worked with enviable persistence for days on end to create a universal short lens, also known as a wide-angle lens. By studying the laws of optics and experimenting with different combinations of glass, Boldyrev finally achieved his famous success.

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Working as a retoucher and photographer’s assistant, Ivan Boldyrev spent nearly all of his earnings on expensive photographic materials and experiments to improve the process of shooting photographs and photographic equipment. / 30 year-old Don Cossack

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His interest in photography led him to Saint Petersburg where he entered the service of the Lorentz photo workshop. Later, he then began attending classes as a volunteer at the Academy of Arts, though he did not graduate it due to a lack of funds. / A Street in Kumshatskaya Village

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At the age of 19, the young Boldyrev left his native village for Novocherkassk. It was there that Ivan found his true calling and became a photographer. Having mastered the basics of this then-rare profession, he soon began to produce the main types of photography. / Girls in kublyaki. A traditional Don outfit

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Returning home, Boldyrev’s father gave him to an officer as a servant in the hopes that his son would in time became a competent clerk. But Boldyrev had been attracted by appliances more than anything ever since he was a young boy. Spellbound, he tried to see how all manner of mechanisms worked. / A Cossack family

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父亲回到家乡后,把博尔德列夫送往某官员家里做仆人,希望儿子将来能成为称职的公职人员。然而,博尔德列夫从小就对电子器材产生了浓厚兴趣。他就像着了迷似的,想弄清楚所有机械的工作原理。 图为哥萨克家庭。
