俄罗斯的原生态之美:走近冰雪与野生动物的王国 在风景如画的堪察加海域享受海上皮划艇乐趣


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
Every Russian schoolchild knows that birds fly south for the winter. However, that is not quite true. It all depends on the climatic conditions to which they were initially adapted. Photo: an eagle chick.

Evgeniy Polonskiy

The Volga Delta (all these photographs were taken in Astrakhan Oblast) is home to one of the most important mass concentrations of birds on the Eurasian continent during the seasonal migrations. At various times, the nature reserve contains 283 species of birds. The bulk of the local avifauna consists of waterbirds, for example, the Caspian Gull.

Evgeniy Polonskiy

Most heron also migrate to the Mediterranean in winter: the greater the number of reservoirs, the vaster and richer the reeds, grasses, bulrushes and other aquatic plants, and the smaller the human population, the more common the heron.

Evgeniy Polonskiy

In general, the majority of Russia’s birds are migratory: thrushes, ducks, geese, chaffinches, skylarks, and sandpipers (pictured). Come wintertime, none of these birds are able to find the fodder of their summer habitat.

Evgeniy Polonskiy

The migrations here last nine months of the year — from March to November. The passage of the Demoiselle Crane (Anthropoides virgo) takes it to Chad, Sudan, the Arabian Peninsula, and India.

Evgeniy Polonskiy

Wheatears are a common species in Russia. They can be found almost everywhere, except in the country’s Far East. Wheatear nests are often attacked by predators — snakes and rodents on the hunt for eggs and chicks.

Evgeniy Polonskiy

The Common Kingfisher differs from other birds that generally reside in Russia by its color: the shiny turquoise blue of its back and head. It winters in the south of Russia, where the rivers do not freeze over, for instance, in the North Caucasus.

Evgeniy Polonskiy

Another unusually colored bird is the Bee-eater. The Olive Bee-eater (M. superciliosus persicus) migrates to tropical and southern Africa, where a further 15 local subspecies of this bird can be found.

Evgeniy Polonskiy

另一种羽毛颜色与众不同的鸟为蜂虎。马岛蜂虎(M. superciliosus persicus)通常会迁徙到热带以及非洲南部地区,那里可以找到其15种本地亚种。
The Hoopoe should, it would seem, dwell in Africa. But no, it is also present in Eurasia. The south-eastern population of this species is either non-migratory or flies to India.

Evgeniy Polonskiy

Asia is often the choice of birds of prey, too. The Pale Harrier (eastern population) winters in India, Sri Lanka, and Burma.

Evgeniy Polonskiy

The Eastern Steppe Eagle migrates from southern Siberia to India and southern China.

Evgeniy Polonskiy

Sea eagles are like eagles in general (both belong to the hawk family), and among Russian birds are inferior in size only to vultures. In middle latitudes, the young fly south in winter, while the old sometimes live out the cold period on unfrozen bodies of water.

Evgeniy Polonskiy

Astrakhan Oblast gives temporary peace to rare birds such as the Red Book-listed Little Bustard (Tetrax tetrax). It occasionally nests on the northern border of the region, and the fall sees the appearance of migrating flocks numbering up to 100 birds.

Evgeniy Polonskiy

For the Siberian Crane (Grus leucogeranus), an endangered and transient species, the reserve plays an important role in its preservation. Recent decades have seen only 1-4 birds during the spring and fall migrations. In total, 27 species of birds listed in the Red Book of Russia nest in the Astrakhan nature reserve.

Evgeniy Polonskiy

对于白鹤(Grus leucogeranus)这种濒危与过渡性物种来说,保护区对其生存起着重要的作用。在近几十年的春季与秋季迁徙中,只有1-4种鹤会飞到保护区。总体而言,27种列入俄罗斯红皮书的鸟类会在阿斯特拉罕自然保护区筑巢。
Russia is, of course, still home to a great variety of non-migratory birds, such as the gray partridge. In the steppe areas of the south, the partridges are almost settled. However, in the event of deep snow covering their winter feed, even these birds are forced to migrate to Central Asia, Ciscaucasia, or southern Ukraine.

Evgeniy Polonskiy

标签: 动物冬季
