哈卡斯自然保护区的生态旅游 俄罗斯千年要塞历经风雨


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
With its UNESCO-listed monastery and unspoilt forests and lakes, the Solovetsky archipelago is a place of almost ethereal beauty, and arriving by boat today is an uplifting experience...

Elena Potapova

...but during the 1920s and 1930s, this was a journey into a nightmare - and one from which vast numbers never returned.

Elena Potapova

For centuries, the archipelago's remote location and isolation from the mainland also made it the ideal dumping-ground for criminals and political prisoners. Under Soviet rule, the islands acquired the unwelcome distinction of becoming the site of the very first Soviet corrective labor camp, or Gulag.

Elena Potapova

Named the Solovetsky Lager Osobogo Naznacheniya (SLON), the Solovetsky Special Designation Camp was established in 1923 by a decree of Vladimir Lenin.

Elena Potapova

It was established as a place where criminals and people who opposed the ideology of the new Soviet state were to be rehabilitated and could "redeem" themselves through hard labor.

Elena Potapova

Prisoners would be shipped north via a series of transit camps, and, on arrival in the Solovki, they would be put to work building roads and barracks, logging, digging peat or working in a brick factory.

Elena Potapova

he heart of the Solovetsky camp was the Solovetsky Monastery itself, overlooking the harbor. This 16th-century fortress - the center of the archipelago's monastic life for centuries - was closed down after the Bolsheviks seized power and turned it into the administrative center for the newly-formed SLON.

Elena Potapova

Elsewhere around the archipelago's sole settlement, which is known simply as Solovetsky, the visitor will notice signs of its Gulag past everywhere: Many of the buildings are cottages and barracks built by prisoners; the network of roads and tracks was largely built using prison labor; and many of the settlement's modern-day residents are the descendants of men who were imprisoned here.

Elena Potapova

From Solovetsky settlement, a dirt track leads through the forest for 7.5 miles to Sekirnaya Gora (Hatchet Hill) - the highest point in the archipelago at 320 feet above sea level.

Elena Potapova

However, this tranquil spot was the scene of some of the most savage punishments to take place under the jurisdiction of SLON - brutality on a scale that was so excessive it shocked even the Soviet authorities.The Ascension skete was transformed into an isolation unit for prisoners, to which they could be sent for periods of up to a year for a variety of offenses, including breaking camp rules, counter-revolutionary activity, sabotage, refusing to work, conspiring to escape and associating with women.

Elena Potapova

Behind the Ascension skete, a vertiginous 294-step wooden staircase descends the steep hill. Known as the "Torturers' Stair," the steps are the site of one of the cruelest punishments meted out at Sekirka - prisoners would be tied to a log and then pushed down the stairs.

Elena Potapova

On Bolshaya Muksalma Island are the remains of Sergeyev skete, where women prisoners were confined. Today, all that remains is an eerily derelict wooden building and an area of rubble where the church once stood. Bolshoi Zayatsky Island and Anzer Island are accessible only as part of guided tours.

Elena Potapova

The Solovetsky camp was closed in 1939, as its proximity to Finland and the unstable political climate in Europe meant its location was no longer suitable.

Elena Potapova

Over 80,000 Soviet citizens passed through SLON from 1923-1939, and it is estimated that around half of those died in the camps.

Elena Potapova

超过8万的苏联公民于1923-1939 经历过SLON,据估计,其中大约一半死于改造营。
标签: 监狱旅游景点旅游教堂
