罗曼诺夫家族在其同时代人心中的回忆 著名俄罗斯电影演员斯韦特兰娜·霍德琴科娃


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
The torch for the Olympic Torch Relay is an integral attribute of the events, starting from 1936 for the Olympic Summer Games and from 1952 for the Olympic Winter Games. The first torchbearer was Greek student, Konstantinos Kondillis. These days the preliminary list of the Sochi-2014 Olympic torchbearers is announced. We shall look at them with pride in anticipation of the Relay. // Maria Kiselyova, three-time Olympic gold medallist in synchronised swimming

RIA Novosti

奥运火炬接力所使用的火炬是奥运会不可分割的一部分,是自1936年夏季奥运会和1952年的冬季奥运会开始出现的。第一棒火炬手是希腊学生,康斯坦丁·孔蒂里斯。最近,索契2014奥运火炬手的初步清单公布。我们应骄傲地期待他们在火炬接力上的表现。 / /玛丽亚·科赛廖娃,三届奥运会花样游泳金牌得主
Many people assume that during the Olympic Torch Relay, the torchbearers pass on the same torch to one another. In fact, the reality is rather different. It is not the torch that is passed on to the next torchbearer, but the flame itself. Each torchbearer is given their own torch. If they so wish, the torchbearers can then keep it for posterity. // Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman in space


许多人认为在奥运火炬传递过程中,火炬手彼此传递的是同一把火炬。实际上,真实情况是全然不同的。交到下一个火炬手手上的不是火炬,而是火种。每名火炬手都会有自己的火炬。如果他们愿意的话,火炬手可以保留这支火炬传给自己的后人。 / /瓦伦蒂娜·捷列什科娃,第一位进入太空的女性
The Sochi-2014 Olympic Torch Relay will be the longest in the history of the Winter Games, as well as of all national relays ever to have taken place in Russia, the hostess of the Olympics. // Alexei Nemov, four-time Olympic Champion gymnast


索契2014冬奥会火炬接力将是冬季奥运会历史上最长的一次,也是奥运会主办国俄罗斯历史上的第一次全国范围的接力活动。 / /阿列克谢·涅莫夫,四届奥运冠军体操运动员
Covering more than 65,000 kilometers, the route will include transportation by car, train, plane, Russian troika, and even reindeer sleigh. // Evgeniy Plushenko, three-time World Champion, seven-tim  European Champion and ten-time Russian Champion figure skater


全程超过65,000公里,路线行进方式将包括汽车,火车,飞机,俄罗斯三驾马车,甚至是驯鹿雪橇。 / /叶夫根尼·普鲁申科,花样滑冰运动员,三届世界冠军,七届欧洲冠军和10次俄罗斯冠军。
The Sochi-2014 Olympic torch will be carried through 2900 settlements in all 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. // Konstantin Tszyu, Russian-Australian boxer, three-time Soviet Champion, two-time European Champion and Undisputed WBC, WBA and IBF Champion of the World

RIA Novosti

索契2014奥运火炬将经过俄罗斯联邦全部83个联邦主体的2900个聚居点。 / /康斯坦丁·秋祖,俄罗斯籍澳大利亚拳击手,三届苏联冠军,两届欧洲冠军和无可争议的WBC,WBA和IBF世界冠军。
The organizers calculate that 90 percent of the Russian population will come within one hour’s distance of the torch, so roughly 130 million people in Russia will feel directly involved in this great sporting event. // Aleksandr Kerzhakov, FC Zenit Saint-Petersburg player


主办单位计算,90%的俄罗斯人口生活在距离火炬接力路线一个小时的范围内,约1.3亿俄罗斯人会觉得自己直接参与了这一届体育盛会。 / /亚历山大·科尔扎科夫,圣彼得堡FC泽尼特队球员
According to the latest data, twice as many men as women will take part in the Torch Relay. // Svetlana Khorkina, two-time Olympic Champion on the uneven bars, and three-time World and European All-Around Champion


据最新公布的数据,参加火炬接力的男性是女性的两倍。 / /斯维特拉娜·霍尔金娜,两届奥运会高低杠冠军,3届世界和欧洲全能冠军。
Most of the torchbearers will be aged 24-33, although any citizen of the Russian Federation aged at least 14 is eligible to participate. // Sergei Shirokov, Russian national ice hockey team player and member of Moscow CSKA club


尽管所有14岁以上的俄罗斯联邦公民都有资格参加,但大部分火炬手的年龄还是在24-33岁。 / /谢尔盖·施罗科夫,俄罗斯国家冰球队球,和莫斯科中央陆军俱乐部球员
The youngest of the selected torchbearers is a 14-year-old resident of Kalmykia, and the oldest a 93-year-old pensioner from Vologda Oblast. // Alexander Ovechkin, Russian professional ice hockey player, left wing for the Washington Capitals of the National Hockey League


尽管所有14岁以上的俄罗斯联邦公民都有资格参加,但大部分火炬手的年龄还是在24-33岁。 / /谢尔盖·施罗科夫,俄罗斯国家冰球队球,和莫斯科中央陆军俱乐部球员
The Torch Relay will involve 322 people with disabilities, including members of the Russian Paralympic Team. //  Vladimir Medinsky, Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation

RIA Novosti

火炬接力将有322名残疾人参加,其中包括俄罗斯残奥队的成员。 / / 弗拉基米尔·梅丁斯基,俄罗斯联邦文化部部长
Of the 14,000 torchbearers, only 14% are professional athletes. The remaining 86% represent the widest possible variety of professions and social strata. // Aleksey Chuvashev, bronze medallist at the London Paralympic Games

RIA Novosti

在14,000名火炬手中,只有14%是专业运动员。其余的86%来自各行各业和社会各个阶层。 / /阿列克谢·楚瓦舍夫,伦敦残奥会铜牌得主
标签: 索契奥运会索契运动体育比赛奥运会
