苏联时代的莫斯科未完成的建筑 俄罗斯美女:维拉·勃列日涅娃


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
Kostroma (distance from Moscow to Kostroma is 336.8 km) is a historic city and the administrative center of Kostroma Oblast. A part of the “Golden Ring” route, it is located at the confluence of the Volga and Kostroma Rivers.

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The city was first mentioned in the chronicles for the year 1213, but historians believe it could have been founded more than half a century earlier. Like other towns of the Eastern Rus, Kostroma was sacked by the Mongols in 1238.

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It is understandable why the Romanov Tsars regarded Kostroma as their special protectorate. The Ipatievsky monastery was visited by many of them, including Nicholas II, the last Russian Tsar. The monastery had been founded in the early 14th century by a Tatar prince, ancestor of the Godunov family.

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The huge white-walled fortress of the Holy Trinity Ipatievsky Monastery stands on the banks of the River Kostroma; the reflection of its onion domes in the flowing river leaves a lasting impression. Each successive Tzar of the Romanov dynasty, after coronation, made it their duty to visit the Ipatievsky Monastery with elaborate and expensive gifts.

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Susaninskaya Square, also called “Frying Pan” is a giant square in the centre of Kostroma. At one side there are large arcades of the ancient markets and at the other side there are the firewatch-tower, the Guard House and the palace of General Borshov.

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苏萨宁( Susaninskaya )广场也被称为“平底锅”,是科斯特罗马市中心的一个巨型广场。广场的一侧是大型的古代市场,另一侧是消防瞭望塔,警卫室和波肖夫( Borshov )将军的宫殿。
The historical centre of the city presents the architectural ensemble of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Tourists can see the ensemble of the square of Susanin that includes Guardhouse, free-observation, Office, and the house of S.Borschov, which now houses the city courthouse.

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The old shopping-arcades of Kostroma are dating back to 1796. The idea behind these giant markethalls, was that the tax-authorities could easily watch over the income of the merchants and also for the customers is was much easier to compare prices and find everything in almost the same area.

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The Church of Resurrection-on-Debre was built in the XVII century with the donations of the merchant Kyrill Isakov. He was a rich merchant, after making the largest initial donation began a fund-raising campaign in order to get funds for building a new church.

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Pergola of Alexander Ostrovsky. Kostroma is historically connected with the name of Ostrovsky – his family estate Schelykovo, which is now s a museum, is located there; it was here that he wrote his plays and worked on program writings about Russian theatre. In 1973 great Russian playwright Alexander Ostrovsky's 150th birthday anniversary was commemorated in Russia, and a showcase of the best Russian performances based on his plays was held in his home city, Kostroma.

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亚历山大·奥斯特洛夫斯基的凉棚。 科斯特罗马的历史是和奥斯特洛夫斯基的名字紧密相连的:他家的斯切里克沃现在是一个博物馆,就在这座城市里,他也是在这里完成了他的戏剧,创作关于俄罗斯戏剧的著作的。1973年,俄罗斯纪念了伟大的俄罗斯剧作家亚历山大·奥斯特洛夫斯基诞辰150周年,还在他的家乡科斯特罗马展演了以他的剧作改编的俄罗斯最优秀的戏剧。
Kostroma Museum of Architecture and Ethnography, and Open-air Landscape Museum “Kostromaskaya Sloboda” is situated in the most beautiful place – at the junction of the rivers Kostroma and Volga, near the ancient Ipatiev Monastery. The museum possesses 28 monuments of wooden architecture – residential and utility constructions, samples of church architecture.

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科斯特罗马建筑与民族博物馆和露天景观博物馆,“科斯特罗马的镇市”坐落在最美丽的地方 - 伊帕切夫斯基修道院附近科斯特罗马河与伏尔加河的交汇处。这座博物馆拥有28处木结构建筑古迹,包括住宅和公用建筑,以及教堂建筑的样本。
