俄罗斯12大高山滑雪胜地 一个充满自然宝藏的岛屿:贝加尔湖上的奥利洪岛


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
Barguzin Valley is one of the largest and most beautiful valleys in Buryatia, stretching 230 kilometers through the north-eastern part of the republic. It is home to the legendary burial place of Genghis Khan. (The photo depicts a burkhan (holy place) in an uninhabited region of Shene-Galzhin, not far from a shaman cemetery.)

Andrey Bezlepkin / focuspictures

巴尔古津谷是布里亚特最大、最美丽的峡谷之一,在共和国东北部绵延230公里。这里是传说中成吉思汗入土为安的地方。(照片中的Shene Galzhin无人区就像是一处圣地,不远处就是一个萨满墓地)。
In common with many of Russia's finest natural landmarks, Barguzin Valley is not the most accessible place. The almost complete absence of roads is compounded by taiga forest, desert, and mountain tundra. Nevertheless, this legendary place attracts adventurers and tourists from around the world. (The photo depicts the main building of Barguzin Datsan.)

Andrey Bezlepkin / focuspictures

Barguzin Valley is the birthplace of the east wind, which can reach 20 meters per second. The continental climate is harsh. The average summer temperature is +15°C, dropping to -30°C in winter, which lasts from October till May. The best time to visit is June-September. (The photo depicts a cowhide is left to dry on the wall of a datsan house. It will be used to make a prayer drum).

fAndrey Bezlepkin / focuspictures

巴尔古津谷是东风的发源地,风速可以达到每秒20米。大陆性气候相当严酷,夏季平均温度为零上15° C,冬季从10月开始一直持续到来年5月,平均气温为零下30 °C。最好的旅游季节是每年的六月至九月。(照片中寺院房子的墙挂着一张等待风干的牛皮,它可以用来制作祈祷鼓)
The valley contains many religious and sacred places for various tribes and peoples. The annals of Barguzin Valley abound with interesting tales. (The photo depicts a sacred grove on the ascent up Mount Baragkhan. According to legend, Baragkhan is home to Khazhar-Sagaan-Noyon, the ruler of Barguzin Valley).

Andrey Bezlepkin / focuspictures

山谷中有许多不同部落和民族的宗教圣地。巴尔古津谷的历史中遍布着各种有趣的故事。(照片上是巴拉古汗山山坡上的一片圣林。据传说,巴拉古汗山是巴尔古津谷的统治者,Khazhar-Sagaan诺彦的故乡) 。
In sacred Buryat places, swearing, fighting, and dropping litter are strictly forbidden. On the territory of datsans (Buddhist university monasteries), one should move from left to right, following the path of the sun. (The photo depicts Tibetan syllables. A painting on a stove inside a datsan).

Andrey Bezlepkin / focuspictures

The Buryats and Evenks who inhabit the valley do not inform newcomers of the location of their sacred places, for which reason it is recommended to travel with an expert guide or not to ask for directions — as a rule, the locals will answer that they do not know. (The photo depicts an ancient shaman tomb).

Andrey Bezlepkin / focuspictures

居住在山谷内的布里亚特和鄂温克族人不会告知外人他们圣地的方位,因此建议在旅行专家的引导下前往,不要询问方向 - 按照规矩,当地人只会回答你他们不知道。(照片上是一座古老的萨满坟墓)
A cradle in the Alla sacred grove. It is hung up by childless parents during a ceremony to summon forth a child, which is conducted by the local shaman.

Andrey Bezlepkin / focuspictures

Inhaling and blowing cedar-bark smoke, a shaman asks the spirits to banish disease and ailments.

Andrey Bezlepkin / focuspictures

While a mother reads a sacred text, her son rests on her knees.

Andrey Bezlepkin / focuspictures

Adorning a dugan (prayer house).

Andrey Bezlepkin / focuspictures

Hunting and fishing are not allowed inside nature reserves. (The photo depicts the main occupation of the indigenous Buryats is cattle farming).

Andrey Bezlepkin / focuspictures

Hunters return from Alla Gorge at dusk. They walk past the bath house at the mineral spring and ascend the long wooden steps.

Andrey Bezlepkin / focuspictures

标签: 旅游景点俄中旅游民族传统布里亚特佛教
