俄罗斯美女:流行歌手波琳娜·加加林娜 俄罗斯超级工厂之都—下卡姆斯克


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
The Yamal peninsula is located 3,600 km from Moscow. Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District (YNAD) is one of the few regions of Russia traversed by the Arctic Circle.

Alexander Romanov

YNAD is home to such major cities as Salekhard, Novy Urengoy, Nadym and Noyabrsk. Among the heroines of these photographs are representatives of different nations, such as the Komi, Nenets and Selkup.

Alexander Romanov

萨列哈尔德、新乌连戈伊、纳德姆和诺亚布尔斯克等主要城市均位于亚马尔-涅涅茨自治区。这些照片上的女主人公代表着科米族、 涅涅茨族和塞尔库普族等不同民族。
In 1909 Boris Zhitkov, an explorer and researcher of the Russian Far North, kept a log of his travels on the Yamal peninsula, focusing on the local people, the weather conditions and the fauna of the peninsula.

Alexander Romanov

1909年,致力于俄罗斯远北地区研究的探险家鲍里斯•日特科夫(Boris Zhitkov)将其在亚马尔半岛的游历记录了下来,内容包括当地人文环境、天气条件以及动物种群。
In his “Brief Report on Traveling on the Yamal Peninsula,” Zhitkov interprets the name of the peninsula as such: “Yamal, the name of the peninsula in the Samoyedic language, is made up of the words 'ya' (land) and 'mal' (end).”

Alexander Romanov

在其“亚马尔半岛旅游简记”中,日特科夫诠释了亚马尔半岛的名称由来:“亚马尔,取自萨莫耶语,由‘ya ’(土地)和‘mal ’(尽头)两个词组成。”
Yamal is inhabited mainly by Samoyeds, a group of northern nomadic peoples who, according to the observations of Zhitkov, “are expert navigators even in completely smooth tundra, can easily sketch a plan of the terrain in snow or sand, and quickly orientate themselves when presented with any geographical map.”

Alexander Romanov

Almost 50% of the population of the indigenous peoples are educated to primary and lower secondary level; 17% of them are completely illiterate.

Alexander Romanov

Almost all Samoyeds are fishermen. Fish for them is a staple food, along with venison.

Alexander Romanov

Reindeer herding is the main occupation of these peoples. Deerskin is used to build yurts and sew clothes, and the meat of the animals is eaten or sold in urban markets.

Alexander Romanov

Besides deer and bears, Samoyeds hunt Arctic fox and marine pinnipeds.

Alexander Romanov

Family relations are patriarchal, and women do not like to pose for photographers because of superstitious fears.

Alexander Romanov

“Most Samoyeds are officially listed as pagans, but are in fact indifferent to religion. Nevertheless, there are numerous sites of sacrificial worship,” wrote Zhitkov in 1909.

Alexander Romanov

Today some of the northern peoples remain pagans, while some have become Orthodox Christians or Baptists, and others have adopted Christian saints as additional members of the pagan pantheon of gods.

Alexander Romanov

Faith tends to be a highly intimate subject for minor nations in Russia, since they have memories of Orthodox and Soviet persecution. According to the testimony of photographers and other guests of these peoples, all that can be gleaned about them are scraps of information and common facts — as soon as the conversation goes deeper or touches the here and now, the topic immediately changes.

Alexander Romanov

Početkom zime mnogi Nenci sele se na jug do ruba šuma, da bi se u veljači i ožujku vratili natrag na svoje ljetne pašnjake. Neki ipak provode zimu na obalama Karskog mora, uglavnom radi lova na medvjede.

Izvor:Aleksandar Romanov

标签: 社会俄罗斯人女性北极亚马尔半岛
