俄罗斯美女:流行歌手塔季扬娜·捷廖申娜 伟大的俄罗斯歌剧演唱家叶莲娜·奥布拉兹佐娃离世


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
Wassily Kandinsky was an outstanding Russian painter, graphic artist, visual art theorist and pioneer in the field of abstract art. He was one of the founders of Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider) group of artists and a teacher at the Bauhaus school of art and architecture in Germany, which spawned the eponymous artistic association and direction in architecture. // Composition II, 1910

Wassily Kandinsky

瓦西里·康定斯基(Wassily Kandinsky)是俄罗斯杰出画家、艺术家、视觉艺术理论家以及抽象艺术领域的先驱。他不但是“蓝骑士”艺术团队的创始人之一,还在德国鲍豪斯艺术建筑学院任教,并在这里孕育了与“蓝骑士”齐名的艺术、建筑团队。//《构图,2号》(Composition II),1910
"Compositions" is a famous series of works by Kandinsky, which fully expresses his creative pursuits. Before arriving at abstract art, he experimented with Expressionism and Fauvism, and attached himself to decadent Russian circles. The first "Composition" dates from 1910, the last from 1939. He painted ten in total, but the first three were destroyed during the Second World War, and only photos of sketches of some have survived. // Composition IV, 1911

Wassily Kandinsky

““构图”是康定斯基非常著名的系列作品,充分表达了他的创作追求。在接触抽象艺术之前,康定斯基尝试了“表现派”和“野兽派”,使自己更贴近于颓废的俄罗斯艺术圈子。“构图”系列的最早作品创作于1910年,最后一幅作品创作于1939年,共包含10幅作品。可惜最早的三幅作品在二战期间被毁,只有一些原稿照片还在。//《构图,4号》(Composition IV), 1911
In his own words, Kandinsky's abstract works can be divided into three groups (by the degree of separation from the subject): impressions, improvisations and compositions. The former are born as direct impressions of the outer world, while improvisations unconsciously express inner impressions. // Composition V, 1911

Wassily Kandinsky

用康定斯基自己的话说,他的抽象作品可以被分成三个系列(根据主题偏离程度的不同):印象、即兴和构图。印象系列是外部世界的直观表现,而即兴系列则是内心感想的自然流露。//《构图,5号》(Composition V), 1911
Lastly, there are compositions. They represent the supreme and most consistent form of abstract painting with no direct links to reality. Colored spots and lines create an elemental force of movement that takes the breath away. // Composition VI, 1913

Wassily Kandinsky

最后是构图系列。它们代表了与现实没有直接联系的抽象绘画最重要、最一贯的形式。彩色的点和线表现了节奏元素的加强,摄人心魄。//《构图,6号》(Composition VI), 1913
For Wassily Kandinsky, the bedrock of any creative activity was the composition as a concept. Therefore, his compositional works stand apart from the rest of his oeuvre. "From the very outset," the artist wrote, "that one word "composition" sounded to me like a prayer." // Composition VII, 1913

Wassily Kandinsky

对于瓦西里·康定斯基,任何创作活动的基础都以结构为理念。因此,其构图系列作品有别于他其它所有的作品。正如艺术家自己写得那样“从最开始,‘构图’这个词对于我来说就像祷文一样。”//《构图,7号》(Composition VII), 1913
"Composition VIII" is Kandinsky's most famous work in the series. It reflects the influence of Suprematism and Constructivism, in which Kandinsky immersed himself while in Russia and at the Bauhaus. // Composition VIII, 1923

Wassily Kandinsky

“构图,8号”是康定斯基构图系列最著名的作品,反映了在俄罗斯和鲍豪斯的时候,受至上主义和构成主义影响的康定斯基思想。//《构图,8号》(Composition VIII), 1923
Kandinsky himself described the pivotal moment when he happened to glance at one of his pictures resting sideways against a wall. In it he suddenly saw "an indescribably beautiful picture saturated with inner fire, consisting exclusively of colored spots." It dawned on him that objectivity was detrimental to his pictures. // Composition IX, 1936

Wassily Kandinsky

无意间瞥见自己倚在墙边的画作之时,在康定斯基看来是自己人生的关键时刻。在画中,他突然看到了“一副难以言喻的美丽画作中渗透着内化的火焰,独由彩点组成。”这让他开始明白客观事物对于自己的画作来说是不利的。//《构图,9号》( Composition IX), 1936
"Compositions" spans Kandinsky's creative process - from his first steps on the path towards abstraction to his final Parisian period, when he departed from rigid geometrics in the tradition of the Bauhaus school in favor of milder forms under the influence of the Paris school of surrealists, which included Joan Miro and Jean Arp. // Composition X, 1939

Wassily Kandinsky

“构图”系列作品跨越了康定斯基的创作生涯—从他迈向抽象之路的第一步,到他最后的巴黎时期,以及当他在鲍豪斯学院里从严格的几何学图形开始,到后来在巴黎超现实主义学院影响下支持更温和的表达。影响康定斯基的艺术家还有胡安·米罗(Joan Miro)和让·阿尔普(Jean Arp)。//《构图,10号》( Composition X),1939
标签: 名人艺术画家作品
