冬宫的12位守护者众“猫”相 “一个人的村庄”:乌拉尔山旁的独居老人守望古村


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
«Golden Autumn» is the second most popular painting by Ivan Shishkin, after «Morning in a Pine Forest». In this work the great landscape painter once again depicts the forest in exceptionally realistic detail // Ivan Shishkin «Golden Autumn», 1888

Ivan Shishkin

《金色的秋天》是伊万•希什金(Ivan Shishkin)除《松林的早晨》之外,第二幅广为人知的画作。在这幅作品中,尤为真实的森林细节描绘再现了当时的美丽景色。//伊万•希什金《金色的秋天》,1888年
Isaac Levitan simply loved painting the fall — in all he painted more than 100 autumn landscapes. His «Golden Autumn» is the most popular of them. // Isaac Levitan «Golden Autumn», 1895

Isaac Levitan

伊萨克•列维坦(Isaac Levitan)只喜欢描绘秋天—其绘制的秋天风景画作超过了100幅。《金色的秋天》是其中最为知名的一幅。//伊萨克•列维坦《金色的秋天》,1895年
«Autumn Landscape. Sokolniki» is a unique landscape by Levitan, which depicts a woman strolling through a park. What's interesting is that the figure of the woman was not painted by Levitan himself, but his friend, the painter Nikolai Chekhov, brother of Anton Chekhov. // Isaac Levitan «Autumn Landscape. Sokolniki», 1879

Isaac Levitan

《索科尔尼克的秋日》是列维坦唯一一幅画有人物的风景画作,描绘了一名漫步公园中的女子。最为有趣的是画中女子并不是列维坦本人所绘,而是由他的朋友画家尼古拉•契诃夫(Nikolai Chekhov)—安东•契诃夫(Anton Chekhov)的兄弟所绘制。//伊萨克•列维坦《索科尔尼克的秋日》,1879年
For Levitan, the late 1870s was one of the most difficult periods of his life. An 1879 decree forbade Jews from living in Moscow, and Levitan was evicted to Saltykovka, where he produced this landscape. // Isaac Levitan, «Oak Grove. Autumn», 1880

Isaac Levitan

Many of the paintings by Polenov depict intimate places where he lived for a long time, including the banks of the Oka river. His painting «Golden Autumn» is no exception, and ranks as one of the artist's most important works. // Vasily Polenov, «Golden Autumn», 1893

Vasily Polenov

瓦西里•波列诺夫(Vasily Polenov)的许多画作都描绘了其长期生活过的个人居所,其中包括奥卡河畔。他的作品《金色的秋天》也不例外,被认为是画家最重要的作品之一。//瓦西里•波列诺夫《金色的秋天》,1893年
Stanislav Zhukovsky's output included not only landscapes, but also the external and internal ornamentations of gentry estates. In the painting «Autumn. Veranda» he successfully combined two favorite motifs. // Stanislav Zhukovsky «Autumn. Veranda», 1911

Stanislav Zhukovsky

斯坦尼斯拉夫•茹科夫斯基(Stanislav Zhukovsky)的作品不仅包括风景画,还包括贵族庄园内外装饰的刻画。在作品《秋日•阳台》中,他成功地将最喜爱的两种主题风格结合了起来。//斯坦尼斯拉夫•茹科夫斯基《秋日•阳台》,1911年
«Fallen Leaves» is one of the most famous works of Isaac Brodsky, yet landscapes for him were a rare occurrence. The bulk of the artist's pictures were portraits of Soviet leaders, especially Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin. // Isaac Brodsky, «Fallen Leaves», 1913

Isaac Brodsky

《落叶》是伊萨克•布罗茨基(Isaac Brodsky)最著名的作品之一,同时也是其罕见的风景作品。布罗茨基的大多数作品都是苏联领导者的肖像画,尤以弗拉基米尔•列宁(Vladimir Lenin)和约瑟夫•斯大林(Joseph Stalin)为多。//伊萨克•布罗茨基《落叶》,1913年
Ilya Ostroukhov's «Golden Autumn» was painted at Abramtsevo, an estate owned by Savva Mamontov. The locality was painted by many of the artists who formed the Abramtsevo Circle. // Ilya Ostroukhov, «Golden Autumn», 1886

Ilya Ostroukhov

伊利亚•奥斯特罗乌霍夫((Ilya Ostroukhov)的作品《金色的秋天》绘制于萨瓦•马蒙托夫(Savva Mamontov)的阿布拉姆采沃庄园。该庄园出现在了许多艺术家的作品中,被称为“阿布拉姆采沃圈”。//伊利亚•奥斯特罗乌霍夫《金色的秋天》,1886年
Autumn as depicted by Yefim Volkov is not a playful riot of colors: fallen leaves, cold weather, October is here. // Volkov Yefim «October», 1883

Volkov Yefim

叶菲姆•沃尔科夫(Yefim Volkov)所描绘的秋天并非那般色彩斑斓:落叶、寒冷、十月。//叶菲姆•沃尔科夫《十月》,1883年
Russian autumn inspired not only realists, but also impressionists. The painting «Autumn. Rowan and Birch» shows the usual abundance of color, but is painted somewhat differently to more traditional landscapes. // Igor Grabar «Autumn. Rowan and Birch», 1924

Igor Grabar

俄罗斯的秋天不仅激发了写实派画家,同时激发着印象派画家的创作灵感。这幅《秋天•花楸和桦树》运用了丰富的颜色,但其绘画风格又不同于传统的风景画作。//伊戈尔•格拉巴尔(Igor Grabar)《秋天•花楸和桦树》,1924年
标签: 文化艺术画家
