俄罗斯美女:超模娜塔莎•波莉 临时的家:在圣彼得堡的春季救助孤儿海豹


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
Don’t let anyone poke around in your private life // A scene from Prospekt Mira Station in rush hour, Moscow

Dmitry Zverev

But if you manage it, a happy old age is guaranteed // A cucumber seller. Central market in Uglich, Yaroslavl region

Alexei Skalin

As well as your communal past // A former teacher of drawing at a rural school against a backdrop of his work. Nizhnedevitsk, Voronezh region.

Andrei Arkhipov

You have to let go of your past, no matter how hard it was. // A veteran of the Great Patriotic War with a portrait of his son, a hero of the Soviet Union, who died in Afghanistan in 1989.

Alexander Korneev

You also need strength to cope with illness (if incurable) // Ira has Down’s syndrome, but that doesn’t prevent her from living life to the full. Asked why she has so many freckles, she replies that the sun loves her. Priluchi, Vologda region

Daria Nazarova

人们有时还需拿出力量对抗疾病(尤其是患上不治之症时)。 //伊拉患有唐氏综合症,但这不妨碍她尽情感受生活.当被问道为什么有这么多雀斑,她回答道,因为太阳爱她。摄于沃洛格达州普里卢奇。
Sometimes you need strength to come to terms with your own age // A 90-year-old woman who has lived her whole life in the village of Esso in the heart of Kamchatka. Her vision is not what it used to be, but she’s fairly energetic and always in a good mood, despite the harsh living conditions. Esso, Kamchatka region

Vasily Tserevitinov

If the love of your life is a youthful memory, don’t despair // A Siberian hobo with the unusual name August shows a tattoo on his chest of his beloved. Kansk, Krasnoyarsk Territory

Vladimir Abikh

Let them be envious! // Contrasts. Tyumen

Yevgeny Schultz

The biggest and most noteworthy section of the "Best of Russia" photo contest is called "People. Events. Everyday life." The theme of this photo block is: relationship with the world. The category is perhaps too vague, since our relationship with the world is manifest in everything we do. Some focus on their relationship with God // Easter, Tolga village, Yaroslavl region.

Vladimir Orlov

Perhaps society looks at you critically // Billboard for a TV series at Taganskaya Station, Moscow

Dmitry Zverev

Everyone has their place in society // Sunny Petropavlovka, people sit in the square, listening to the sound of bells. St Petersburg

Vasily Tserevitinov

But can you call them domesticated if you have no home? // A homeless man with kittens; nothing human is unfamiliar

Yevgeny Salnikov

Although it’s much easier to find a common language with domesticated animals than wild ones // Statics and dynamics

Igor Kotelevsky

And the desire to study nature // In Moscow Zoo.

Irina Guseva

And there are those whose work is subordinate to the desire to be at one with nature // Harsh Siberian sport: a lad takes tourists across the high-altitude Lake Akkemsk in the tourist season. In his spare time, he stays in shape on improvised training equipment.

Irina Yakunina

还有一些人的工作需要融入自然。 //高难度的西伯利亚运动:图中的少年在旅游季带领游客穿过高纬度湖阿克木斯克(Akkemsk),业余时间则用简易器械健身。
A third group are so engrossed in work that they don’t see the light of day // A drift miner at the preliminary coal-face. Leninsk-Kuznetsk, Kemerovo region

Igor Chikurov

第三类人群则全神贯注于在漆黑条件下工作. //一位在矿井深处作业的钻矿工,摄于克麦罗沃州列宁斯克-库兹涅茨克。
Or someone else’s body // "Olympic Day", Moscow

Artem Deynega

Others on their relationship with their body // A duet at the House of Music, Moscow

Olga Makarova

标签: 平民生活俄罗斯人摄影比赛作品
