叶卡捷琳娜·古谢娃:“零下40度我也会唱” 正在消失的雄奇:气候变暖使北极动物濒临灭绝


为纪念俄罗斯画家季娜伊达·谢列布里亚科娃(Zinaida Serebryakova)(1884年12月12日)诞辰130周年,莫斯科特列季亚科夫画廊举办了其在巴黎时期的画作展览。其中许多作品都是第一次在俄罗斯展出。同时展出的还有其子女亚历山大(Alexander)和叶卡捷琳娜(Yekaterina)的作品。
来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
The prime of her creativity came in 1914-1917 in Russia. During this period, Zinaida Serebryakova created a series of paintings devoted to Russian village life, peasant labor, and nature. \ Sleeping Peasant, 1917

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1914年至1917年在俄罗斯期间,堪称谢列布里亚科娃的创作高峰。在这一阶段,她创作了一系列表现俄罗斯村庄生活、农民劳动和大自然的画作。 \睡觉的农民,1917年
It was only in 1927 that Serebryakova’s first solo exhibition was held. She sent the proceeds to her mother and children in Russia. 1965 saw an exhibition of her work in Moscow, two years after which the artist died in Paris. \ Self-portrait, year unknown

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The years she spent in Paris did not bring joy or creative satisfaction. She longed for her homeland, and sought to reflect her love for it in her pictures. \ Swiss Landscape near Geneva, 1951

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In the first years after the revolution, the Soviet Union was abuzz with exhibitions. In 1924, Serebryakova took part in a major exhibition of Russian visual art in America. All her paintings were sold, the proceeds from which she decided to use to go to Paris to organize a new exhibition and receive commissions. \ Sculpture in the Tuileries Gardens, 1941

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In the 1920s, Zinaida Serebryakova returned with her four children to St Petersburg. Daughter Tatiana began to study ballet. Zinaida often attended the Mariinsky Theatre with her daughter and went backstage. The creative dialogue she had with the ballerinas over the course of three years is reflected in the amazing series of ballet portraits and compositions. \ In the Ballet Dressing Room (Great Ballerinas), 1922

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In 1917, her family estate at Neskuchnoe burned down, destroying all her works. Later that same year, her husband Boris Serebryakov died. Forced under the circumstances to leave Russia, she made her way to France, where she lived with thoughts of her husband. During those years, she painted four portraits, which are now in store at the Tretyakov Gallery and Novosibirsk Art Gallery. \ Portrait of Boris Serebryakov, 1913

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During the civil war in Russia in 1917, Zinaida’s husband worked in Siberia as a railway engineer, while she and her four children remained at the Neskuchnoe estate. It proved impossible to relocate to Petrograd (now St Petersburg). Serebryakova moved instead to Kharkov (in modern Ukraine). \ At Breakfast, 1914

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In honor of the 130th anniversary of the birth of Russian artist Zinaida Serebryakova (December 12, 1884), the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow is hosting an exhibition of the Paris period of her work. Many of the exhibits are on display in Russia for the first time. Also on show are pictures by her children Alexander and Yekaterina. The exhibition will run till March 30. \ Self-portrait, 1921

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为纪念俄罗斯画家季娜伊达·谢列布里亚科娃(Zinaida Serebryakova)(1884年12月12日)诞辰130周年,莫斯科特列季亚科夫画廊举办了其在巴黎时期的画作展览。其中许多作品都是第一次在俄罗斯展出。同时展出的还有其子女亚历山大(Alexander)和叶卡捷琳娜(Yekaterina)的作品。展览将持续至3月14日。\自画像,1921年
At the 7th Exhibition of Russian Artists in Moscow in 1910, the Tretyakov Gallery purchased Serebryakova’s self-portrait “At the Dressing Table” and the gouache “Autumnal Greenery”. Critics noted the magnificence of her landscapes: the clear, bright tones, technical expertise, and unparalleled natural beauty. \ At the Dressing Table, 1909

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在1910年莫斯科举办的第七届俄罗斯艺术家展览上,特列季亚科夫画廊购买了谢列布里亚科娃的自画像“梳妆台”和水粉画“秋日绿茵”。评论家注意到了其景观创作中的壮丽:清晰的风格、明亮的色调,专业的技术及无与伦比的自然美景。 \梳妆台,1909年
A year later, the couple returned home to Neskuchnoe. Zinaida work intensely, creating sketches, portraits, and landscapes. Her first works already offer a glimpse of her own unique style and range of interests. Her first real success came in 1910, when Zinaida Serebryakova was 26 years old. \ Portret of artist Lola Braz, 1910

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一年后,夫妻俩回到了家乡涅斯库奇。季娜伊达投入到了紧张的工作中,主创素描、肖像画和风景画。其第一部作品已然彰显出其独特的风格和兴趣范围。1910年,季娜伊达·谢列布里亚科娃26岁的时候,取得了第一次真正的成功。\艺术家罗拉·布拉兹(Lola Braz)肖像,1910年
In 1905, she married her cousin, Boris Serebryakov, and the newlyweds promptly departed for Paris, where Zinaida attended the Academy de la Grande Chaumiere and produced many drawings of nature. \ Portrait of Boris Serebryakov, 1905

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1905年,季娜伊达嫁给了表兄鲍里斯·谢列布里亚科夫(Boris Serebryakov),这对新婚夫妇很快启程前往巴黎,在那里季娜伊达进入大茅舍画院学习并创作了许多关于自然的画作。\鲍里斯·谢列布里亚科夫肖像,1905年
In 1886, after her father's death, the family moved from their ancestral estate to St Petersburg. Zinaida graduated from a gymnasium for girls and entered art school. In 1902-1903, during a trip to Italy, she produced many natural sketches and studies. \ Veranda in Spring, circa 1900

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Her childhood and youth were spent at the Neskuchnoe estate, which belonged to her grandfather. The village today is located not far from Kharkov in Ukraine. During this period, Zinaida paid close attention to the work of the peasants and young girls in the fields and around the village. This theme would become a constant refrain in her oeuvre. \ In the kitchen, 1923

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谢列布里亚科娃的童年和青年都是在祖父的涅斯库奇庄园中度过的。如今,这座村庄位于距离乌克兰哈尔科夫不远的地方。在庄园居住期间,季娜伊达密切关注了田野和村庄周围的农民以及年轻女孩儿们的工作。该主题成为其作品永恒的旋律。 \厨房里,1923年
Despite her incomplete art education, she had close contact with her uncle, Alexander Benois, who founded, together with Sergei Diaghilev, the World of Fine Arts association. It was family tradition that destined Serebryakova to tread the path of an artist \ Still Life with Attributes of the Arts, 1922

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尽管没有接受过完整的艺术教育,但谢列布里亚科娃与舅舅亚历山大·班耐瓦以及与班耐瓦共同创立了世界美术协会的谢尔盖·佳吉列夫(Sergei Diaghilev)经常接触。家族传统注定了谢列布里亚科娃走上艺术的道路。\静物与艺术属性,1922年
Zinaida Serebryakova came from the large Benoit-Lansere family of artists. The French surname Benoit can be traced back to Louis Jules Benois, a French court maître d'hôtel who moved to the Russian Empire in the 18th century. From then on, the whole family lived in Russia. Zinaida was born on the Neskuchnoe estate in Kursk Province (approximately 550 kilometers from Moscow). Her father Yevgeny Lansere was a sculptor, while her mother Yekaterina, sister of the artist Alexander Benois, was a graphic artist. \ Portrait of Uncle Mikhail Benoit, 1910

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季娜伊达·谢列布里亚科娃出生于大艺术世家—班耐瓦-兰谢列(Benoit-Lansere)。法国姓氏班耐瓦可追溯到18世纪来到俄罗斯帝国的法国宫廷大管家路易·朱尔斯·班耐瓦(Louis Jules Benois)。此后,其全家人都生活在俄罗斯。季娜伊达出生于库尔斯克州的涅斯库奇庄园(距离莫斯科约550公里),父亲是雕塑家叶夫根尼·兰谢列(Yevgeny Lansere),其母亲—艺术家亚历山大·班耐瓦(Alexander Benois)的妹妹叶卡捷琳娜(Yekaterina)—则是一个平面艺术家。\其舅舅米哈伊尔·班耐瓦的肖像,1910年
标签: 文化画家
