俄艺术家别具匠心  手工神兽玩偶活灵活现 古拉格 修道院 旅游地——不同角色下的索洛维茨基


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
The Russian engineer Vladimir Shukhov started working on the the construction of a tower for the radio station in Shabolovka in Moscow in 1919. In mid March, 1922 the radio station tower was put in operation and soon became a true symbol of the city. By now, the tower of 148 meters height has never been restored yet. Today it can be demolished because of its dangerous condition. // Shukhovskaya Tower, Moscow


1919年,俄罗斯工程师弗拉基米尔·舒霍夫(Vladimir Shukhov)开始担任莫斯科沙波罗夫卡广播塔的设计修建工作。1922年3月中旬,广播塔投入使用,并很快成为莫斯科的城市象征。如今,由于已成危楼,广播塔或被拆除。//莫斯科,舒霍夫广播塔
Engineer Vladmir Shukhov created a large number of original metal constructions, of which the most interesting are his netlike structures: hyperboloid lattice towers, suspended lattice covers, and vaulted lattice covers. // Shukhovskaya Tower, Moscow

RIA Novosti

The basic principle of Shukhov’s steel lattice constructions was that they consisted of individual rods forming a three-dimensional network. The major advantage was that they were half the weight of other corresponding structures. // Adziogol Lighthouse, Ukraine


Shukhov’s most popular creation was the hyperboloid tower. The first structure of this type was a water tower he designed for an exhibition at Nizhny Novgorod. Standing 32 meters high, it was one of the attractions. After the exhibition the tower was bought by a sponsor Yury Nechaev-Maltsov and taken to his residence in Polibino // Tower in Polibino


舒霍夫最受欢迎的创作是双曲面塔。其设计的第一座该类型建筑是为下诺夫哥罗德的一个展览而设计的水塔,塔身高达32米,堪称其魅力之一。在展览结束后,赞助商尤里·涅恰耶夫-马里措夫(Yury Nechaev-Maltsov)买下了这座高塔并将其带到他位于波利比诺的住所。// 波利比诺高塔
Nowadays, the heritage of V.G. Shukhov in the construction of the unique hanging and lattice shells structures is developed by the architectural schools of Frei Otto and Norman Foster. These structures are widespread in the modern European and Japanese architecture. //  Canton TV Tower, Guangzhou, China

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Along with Shukhov’s hyperboloid towers, lattice towers (masts with an observation tower) were erected aboard ships. Shukhov’s design attracted the attention of shipbuilders, since lattice masts afforded minimal air resistance on board a moving vessel. // North Carolina-class battleship


The second type of lattice structure created by Shukov was the suspended metallic cover. Instead of the usual metal girders, visitors were treated to openwork meshes that seemed to soar high above their heads. The famous architect Norman Foster, who names Shukhov as one of his guru, used his ideas in the construction of the roof of the British Museum. // British Museum, London, Great Britain

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舒霍夫创造的第二种网格结构类型为悬浮式金属罩。与通常的金属大梁不同,游客们可欣赏到似乎高立于头顶之上的镂空网格。将舒霍夫列为自己导师之一的著名建筑师诺曼·福斯特(Norman Foster)就在大英博物馆屋顶的建设中融入了这样的思想。//英国伦敦,大英博物馆
Shukhov’s third type of lattice construction was the vaulted cover. However, of greatest interest are the double-curved covers made at the Vyksunsk plant in 1897-1898. Unfrtunatelly they were not saved till today. // Kobe Port Tower, Japan

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The three types of lattice structures invented by Shukhov in the late 19th century had no analogues anywhere else in the world and were true engineering discoveries. Shukhov’s work received international recognition, as evidenced by the gold medals awarded to his constructions at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900. // TV Tower, Sydney, Australia

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Besides lattice structures, Shukhov also devised and realized many metal structures, including ones conceived as a perceptible element of the interior design of various edifices. Among them are such Moscow landmarks as the covering of Bryansk (now Kiev) Station, the overhead cover of the Metropol restaurant, the steel frame of the shop “Muir and Meriliz” (now TsUM), the overhead cover of the Upper Trading Rows (now GUM), and others. // The roof of GUM, Moscow


标签: 建筑
