RBTH RBTH RBTH RBTH Vyoshenskaya (Vyoshki in common parlance) is a village in the north of the Rostov-on-Don region (900 km from Moscow), the administrative center and largest population center in the Solokhovsky district and Vyoshensky rural settlement. The village is located on the left bank of the river Don. RBTH RBTH RBTH RBTH
俄罗斯美女:安娜-V——布鲁斯·威利斯和迪卡普里奥为之着迷的俄罗斯超模 正在消失的世界:堪察加半岛的游牧人


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
The totals of the Russia 10 multimedia project, a country-wide vote to select 10 symbols of the country, have been announced. The goal was aimed at advancing Russia’s image as an exceptional country with a rich cultural heritage and natural abundance.//The Heart of Chechnya Mosque and Kolomensky Kremlin’s selection as winners was known beforehand due to a scandal involving the two during the course of the competition. The Akhmad Kadyrov Mosque, the largest in Russia, is located in Grozny and is officially known as the "The Heart of Chechnya."

Lori/Legion Media

在俄罗斯全国范围内投票选出的10个代表性的景点,10个多媒体项目已公布。评选的目标是旨在提升俄罗斯作为一个有着极其丰富的文化传承和自然资源的国家形象。 //车臣之心清真寺和科洛缅斯科耶克里姆林宫的入选由于参选过程中涉及这两处景点的丑闻而事先就透露出来了。位于格罗兹尼的卡德罗夫清真寺是俄罗斯最大的清真寺,也被正式称为“车臣之心”。
700 objects were included in the competition’s preliminary stages and included outstanding architectural and cultural monuments in the country, as well as its natural landmarks. 80 of these objects advanced to the competition’s second round after gathering the largest amount of votes.//Second-round tallies designated Kolomensky Kremlin the vote-leader, surpassing the Heart of Chechnya Mosque which had long held first place.

Lori/Legion Media

有700个景点参加了初选,其中包括了俄罗斯享誉已久的建筑和文化古迹,以及自然景观。有80处景点在获得了最多的票数后进入了评选的第二轮。/ /第二轮投票中,科洛缅斯科耶克里姆林宫一举领先,超越了长期占据首位的车臣之心清真寺。
The State Open-Air Museum of Wooden Architecture at Kizhi, begun in 1951, is a 6km-long collection of churches and cottages, windmills, watermills, smithies, barns, belfries and banyas in a beautiful natural setting.

Lori/Legion Media

The Pskov Kremlin is an ancient citadel located in the city of Pskov, Russia. The citadel is of medieval origin, whose surrounding walls were constructed starting in the late 1400s.

Lori/Legion Media

Lake Baikal is an ecosystem inhabited by thousands of species of birds, animals, plants, fish and microorganisms, many of which are not found in any other body of water in the world.  The lake can be unpredictable and the weather can change when you least expect it, but even so, the Baikal region is only second to California in the league table of sunshine hours per year. The location is also a UNESCO-listed Heritage Site.

Lori/Legion Media

The Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin (16th century) was one of the most technologically-advanced fortifications of its time. These days, it houses administrative buildings, churches, and a military equipment museum. The upper part of the city is located on a hill that offers spectacular views from wherever you stand.


The Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius is the most important Russian monastery and the spiritual center of the Russian Orthodox Church. The monastery is situated in the town of Sergiyev Posad, about 70 km to the north-east of Moscow on the road leading to Yaroslavl, and currently is home to over 300 monks.

Lori/Legion Media

The Rostov Veliky (Rostov the Great) Kremlin was built on Lake Nero (Yaroslavl Region) in the 1600s by Metropolitan Iona. It is a complex of palaces, churches, and towers, and it was built in the midst of the Spaso-Yakovlevsky Monastery and the Abraham Monastery. Rostov Veliky Kremlin is now a museum complex.

Lori/Legion Media

罗斯托夫克里姆林宫是在17世纪在尼禄湖(雅罗斯拉夫尔地区)上建造的。它是一个囊括了宫殿,教堂和塔楼的建筑群。 罗斯托夫克里姆林宫现在是一个博物馆群。
Peterhof, or the "Russian Versailles," is situated not far from St. Petersburg. In the 18th and 19th centuries, it was the summer residence of the Russian tsars and its palace ensemble is listed among the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Lori/Legion Media

Mamayev Kurgan used to be a nameless hill marked on military-topographic maps as a height of 102.0 meters. This hill was the main link in the general system of defense in the Stalingrad front of World War II. This place became a key position in the battle of Stalingrad. Soviet and German troops fought a fierce battle on its slopes at the end of 1942.

Lori/Legion Media

This was not the first project of this kind for Russia. The three stages of the 7 Wonders of Russia contest took place from October 1, 2007, and February 1, 2008, with voting also being conducted through the internet and text messages.//One of the highlights of a visit to the Kamchatka Peninsula is the awe-inspiring Valley of Geysers. The valley of the Gesysernaya River is part of the Kronotsky bio reserve and has over 200 geothermal pressure valves that fire out steam, water and mud.

Lori/Legion Media

这不是俄罗斯的第一个此类评选。俄罗斯评选七大奇迹的三个阶段分别在2007年10月1日和2008年2月1日启动,投票还可以通过互联网和手机短信进行。 / /游览堪察加半岛的亮点之一是令人震撼的间歇泉间歇泉谷。
The Caucasian Biosphere reserve includes part of the Caucasus Mountains, the famous permanently snow-covered Mt. Elbrus and Mt. Kazbek, each over five thousand meters high. As Europe's highest peak, Elbrus lures mountaineers from all over the world.

Lori/Legion Media

The immense territory of Yakutia is comparable in size to of all of Europe combined. Its hallmark is rightly considered to be the famous Lena Pillars, which were included in the 2012 UNESCO list.

Lori/Legion Media

Composed of churches grouped around a central tower, the Cathedral of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God on the Moat, otherwise known as St. Basil's Cathedral, has served as a symbol of unifying power since its completion in the mid-16th century.

Lori/Legion Media

围绕着一座中央塔而建的教堂,形成了“护城河上的圣母升天教堂” ,也被称为圣瓦西里教堂,自16世纪中叶以来它象征着完成统一的力量。
标签: 俄中旅游旅游
