俄罗斯画家笔下的中国风情 共产主义光鲜的一面: 苏联海报女郎


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
Kazan is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. With a population of 1,143,535, it is the eight most populous city in Russia.

Slava Stepanov / GELIO

Kazan lies at the confluence of the Volga and Kazanka Rivers in European Russia

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喀山市在俄罗斯欧洲部分,位于伏尔加河和卡赞卡( Kazanka )河的交汇处。
In 2005, Kazan celebrated the 1000th anniversary of its founding. The city gave itself heaps of presents and became a real tourism capital of Russia

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The Kazan Kremlin is a World Heritage Site. In 2005, the Medal "In Commemoration of the 1000th Anniversary of Kazan" was established by Russia to denote this landmark event. The multi-ethnic city is honored by UNESCO and famous for Muslims and Christians living side-by-side in peace

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喀山市的克里姆林宫是一处世界遗产。2005年,在喀山1000周年纪念奖章“ ”俄罗斯建立了,表示这一具有里程碑意义的事件。很荣幸由教科文组织和著名的多民族的城市,穆斯林和基督。
Major monuments in the kremlin are the five-domed six-columned Annunciation Cathedral (1561–62) and the mysterious leaning Soyembika Tower, named after the last queen of Kazan and regarded as the city's most conspicuous landmark

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克里姆林宫内的主要古迹有五圆顶六柱的天使报喜大教堂(建于1561年至1562年),还有以喀山末代皇后的名字命名的神秘的索颜比卡( Soyembika )斜塔,它被认为是这座城市最显眼的地标。
Also of interest are the towers and walls, erected in the 16th and 17th centuries but later reconstructed; the Qol-Şarif mosque, which is already rebuilt inside the citadel; remains of the Saviour Monastery (its splendid 16th-century cathedral having been demolished by the Bolsheviks) with the Spasskaya Tower.

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同样值得一看的还有建于16世纪和17世纪的城楼和城墙,不过后来又重建过。城堡内重建的库尔沙里夫清真寺,和斯帕斯卡亚( Spasskaya )塔都是救世主修道院残存下来的遗迹(精美的16世纪大教堂被布尔什维克党人拆毁了)。
The views from the square of the Kremlin, the Kul Sharif Mosque and the futuristic “flying saucer” of the Kazan Circus are regarded as the city’s trademark.

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In April 2009, the Russian Patent Office granted Kazan the right to brand itself as the "Third Capital" of Russia. In 2009 it was chosen as the "Sports capital of Russia" and it still is referred to as such. The city will host the 2013 Summer Universiade, 2015 World Aquatics Championships, and 2018 FIFA World Cup.

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2009年4月,俄罗斯专利局授予喀山市自称俄罗斯“第三首都”的权利。2009年,喀山市又被选为“俄罗斯的体育之都”,如今人们仍以此代称喀山市。喀山市还将举办2013年的世界大学生夏季运动会, 2015年的世界游泳锦标赛和2018年世界杯足球赛。
The origin of the name Kazan is uncertain. The most accepted legends derive it from the Bulgar Turkic (and also modern Tatar) word qazan, which means 'boiler' or 'cauldron'. Local legends claim that the city was named for the resemblance of the hill on which it sits to an upturned cauldron.

Slava Stepanov / GELIO

喀山市得名的起源已无从考证。在最广为接受的传说中,它源自的保加利亚的突厥字“kazan” (也包括现代的鞑靼共和国),意思是“锅炉”或“大锅”。当地传说称,这个城市的得名是因为它所处的山像一口翻过来的大锅。
Since 2000, the city has been undergoing a total renovation. The historical center, including its Kremlin, has been rebuilt. Kazan celebrated its millennium in 2005, after a city-organized historical commission settled on 1005 as the official year of the city's founding. During the millennium celebrations, one of the largest mosque in Russia, Qolsharif, was dedicated in the Kazan Kremlin, the holiest copy of Our Lady of Kazan was returned to the city, the "Millennium Bridge" was inaugurated that year, and the Kazan Metro began operation.

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The local residents say the city’s metro was “built for people who aren’t in a hurry to go anywhere” — just one line and two trains that arrive at the station every 15 minutes. In fact, mainly tourists use this form of transportation in Kazan.

Slava Stepanov / GELIO

当地居民说,喀山市的地铁是给“不急着去任何地方的人”建造的, 每15分钟只有一趟两节车厢的火车进站。实际上,喀山市主要是游客才会使用这种出行方式。
The non-traditional tourist route — from ulitsa Karla Marksa to Bolshaya Krasnaya Ulitsa, and on to ulitsa Lva Tolstogo. The Suvorov Military School and the old merchants’ houses made from wood and red brick are as impressive as anything in the city’s tourism “Meccas.”

Slava Stepanov / GELIO

非传统旅游路线 - 从卡尔马克思( Karla Marksa )大街经 大红色( Bolshaya Krasnaya )大街 ,到列夫托尔斯泰( Lva Tolstogo )大街。苏沃洛夫军事学校和由木材和红砖建成的老商户是这座城市最大的旅游热点。
Ulitsa Lva Tolstogo (Lev Tolstoy Street) will lead you to the River Kazanka embankment. Since the reservoir was built, this river has become a wide expanse of calmly flowing water (average width 0,6 miles). In the middle of the river stands an ancient church, built as a memorial to the soldiers who died on 2 October 1552 when Ivan the Terrible captured Kazan. It was founded in 1811 and stands on a small island surrounded by water.

Slava Stepanov / GELIO

While Russia is preparing for the Olympics in Sochi, Kazan is getting ready for the Universiade-2013. The “third capital” is also competing for the title of capital of young people’s sport. Entry to the Basketball Hall, where Kazan’s Unics team plays, is free, and for entry to the TatNeft Arena, where the Ak Bars ice hockey team plays its home matches, there’s a nominal charge of 1 euro. The old ice stadium hosts figure skating competitions, and there is indoor skating for everyone interested in each district.

Slava Stepanov / GELIO

俄罗斯在筹备索契冬奥会之际,也在为2013年大运会做着准备。“第三首都”也在争夺运动之都的名号。游客可以免费进入喀山UNICS篮球队的主场体育馆,而进入阿克巴 (Ak Bars) 冰球队进行主场比赛的鞑靼竞技场,只象征性收取1欧元的门票费用。老冰球场主办花样滑冰比赛,而且喀山市的每个区都有供爱好者使用的室内溜冰场。
标签: 喀山喀山大运会俄中旅游俄罗斯城市旅游
