苏联著名体育摄影师列夫·博罗杜林 俄罗斯美女 28次打破世界纪录的撑杆跳高运动员


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
Nowadays, when there the interest in orthodoxy in Russia grows bigger, despite the impressive amount of critical notes towards the clerical officials, Sergei Smirnov, professional photographer, is probably the best guide. At least, the most objective. Sergei Smirnov visited a dozen of Russian monasteries and convents. This is a religious procession from Spassky Kostomarovsk Convent (Voronezh Oblast) to a holy source on the Don River.

Sergei Smirnov

Ioanno-Bogoslovsk Monastery, Cherdyn, Perm Territory. Cherdyn is one of the oldest epicenters of Orthodoxy in Russia. The monastery was founded in the 15th century. Reopened in 2003. In the first years after the revival, there were few monks in the monasteries, little money, and plenty of work to do. To begin with, the monastery allowed all-comers to stay; as a rule, they were people from difficult backgrounds, including former prisoners.

Sergei Smirnov

彼尔姆地区切尔登(Cherdyn)市的 Ioanno-Bogoslovsk修道院。切尔登是俄罗斯历史最悠久的东正教重镇之一。这座修道院始建于15世纪的,在2003年重新开放。在开放后的最初几年里,修道院里几乎没有什么修士,钱很少,却又大量的工作要做。首先,修道院允许所有访客留宿,按惯例,这些访客都有各种各样的背景,也包括了曾经的囚犯。
Uspensky Trifonov Monastery, Perm Territory. Located on the Chusovoy River. Established in 1997. The first monastery on the site was founded by St. Trifon Vyatsky in 1572 on the Stroganov grounds. It was from here (Chusovoy town), after a prayer service in 1581, that Ataman Yermak Timofeevich set off to conquer Siberia. A memorial was erected on the banks of the river.

Sergei Smirnov

彼尔姆地区的 Uspensky Trifonov 修道院。位于楚索沃伊河畔,建成于1997年。原址上的第一座修道院是圣特里丰·芙雅特斯基在1572年在斯特罗加诺夫地界修建的。1581年,阿塔曼·叶尔马克·蒂莫菲维奇在这里( 楚索沃镇)举行了祈祷仪式后开始征讨西伯利亚。
Bogoroditsa-Tabynsk Convent, Krasnousolsk-kurort, Bashkiria. Situated in the spurs of the Ural Mountains on the Usolka River. The first monastery was established in the region in 1597. Pictired is Sister Stefanida with her cat. Stefanida graduated from music college, sings in the monastery choir, and enjoys making models.

Sergei Smirnov

巴什吉里亚地区克拉斯诺索尔斯克( Krasnousolsk )的伯格洛蒂萨塔宾斯克( Bogoroditsa-Tabynsk )修道院,位于乌拉尔山脉延伸向乌索尔卡河的分支上。第一座修道院是在1597年在该地区建立的。图中是斯特法尼达修女和她的猫。斯特法尼达修女毕业于音乐学院,在修道院唱诗班唱歌,喜欢制作模型。
This modern Convent was founded in 1997 near the Krasnousolsk sanatorium. The locale is known for its healing mineral water springs. In the background are the holy spring on the Usolka River and monastic buildings.

Sergei Smirnov

这座现代女修道院建于 1997 年,在克拉斯诺索尔斯克疗养院附近。当地以有治疗作用的矿泉水而闻名。图中远处是乌索尔卡河的圣泉和修道院建筑。
Another convent is Spaso-Preobrazhensky Tolshevsky, Voronezh Oblast. It was founded in the mid-17th century. In 1768-1769, it was the retirement home of St. Tikhon Zadonsky the Miracle-Worker. Located in a forest reserve on the banks of the Usmanki River (Voronezh State Biosphere Reserve), it was restored in 1994 as a convent.

Sergei Smirnov

另一座修道院是沃罗涅日州是( Spaso-Preobrazhensky Tolshevsky )修道院。它建于17世纪中叶。在1768年至1769年,这里是奇迹工人圣吉洪·扎登斯基的终老之地。修道院位于乌斯曼尼河河岸的一片森林保护区内(沃罗涅日州生物圈保护区),1994年才恢复为修道院。
Priest Sergei Smirnov in one of the rural churches in Voronezh region. His sons come running at the sound of the church bells. As a schoolboy and a student of economics, Father Sergei often visited monasteries with his father. These trips, plus the contact he had with the monks, influenced Sergei's decision to enter the Voronezh Orthodox Theological Seminary after graduation. He is presently a member of the clergy of the Voronezh diocese.

Sergei Smirnov

沃罗涅日地区一座乡村教堂里的谢尔盖·斯米尔诺夫( Sergei Smirnov )牧师。他的儿子听到教堂的钟声跑了过来。作为经济学专业的学生,谢尔盖牧师经常和他的父亲一起游览各处修道院。这些旅行,再加上与修士们的接触,谢尔盖决定毕业后进入沃罗涅日东正教神学院进修。目前他是沃罗涅日教区的神职人员。
Ioanno-Bogoslovsky Convent, Chemal, Altai Mountains. The mill and church at Chemal were founded in 1849 by the Orthodox Altai Spiritual Mission to enlighten the local Altai people.

Sergei Smirnov

Ioanno-Bogoslovsky 修道院, 阿尔泰山脉切玛尔( Chemal )地区。切玛尔的磨坊和教堂是由东正教阿尔泰宣教团为了向当地的阿尔泰人传教,在1849年建造的。
A wooden church stands on the island of Patmos in the middle of the Katun River; residential and farm buildings are located in an area of woodland on the left bank. The island is connected to the shore by means of a suspension bridge. The sisters make a daily round of the cloister with an icon.

Sergei Smirnov

200. Nikolaevsk Belogorsk Monastery, Perm Territory. Located in the Ural Mountains, where schismatics, serfs, and robbers fled to escape repression and persecution. The monastery was founded in 1897 for Old Believers to perform missionary work. Restored in 1990. In the photo, hieromonk Alipi talks to an inhabitant of the monastery near the holy spring of St. Nikolai the Miracle-Worker.

Sergei Smirnov

彼尔姆地区的 Nikolaevsk Belogorsk 修道院位于乌拉尔山脉之中,分裂分子、农奴和劫匪为了躲避镇压或迫害逃到这里来。修道院建于1897年,是供旧礼仪派进行传教工作的。修道院于1990年修复。照片中, 圣职修道士阿里皮与奇迹工人圣尼古拉的圣泉附近的居民交谈。
A multi-day religious procession in Voronezh Oblast. After the evening meal, the procession leader, hieromonk Tikhon, takes questions from the participants.

Sergei Smirnov

Serafim-Pokrovsky Convent, Leninsk-Kuznetsk, Kemerovo Oblast. A modern convent. Mother Superior Maria in her office.

Sergei Smirnov

Serafim-Pokrovsky 修道院,克麦罗沃州列宁斯克 - 库兹涅茨克( Leninsk-Kuznetsk )地区。一座现代修道院。院长玛丽亚嬷嬷在她的办公室内。
"Holy Bushes" Uspensky Svyato-Georgiev [St. George Assumption] Monastery, Bashkiria was opened in 1901. It is located among forests, meadows, and low hills, away from populated areas.

Sergei Smirnov

巴什吉利亚地区的“圣林”乌斯本斯基·斯维亚托·格奥尔基( Uspensky Svyato-Georgiev )修道院, 始建于1901年。它处在森林、草地和低矮的丘陵之间,远离人口密集地区。
The monastery makes extensive use of subsistence farming. Cows, horses, chickens, and bees are all kept and bred. There is agricultural machinery, and a small, artificial pond. By the pond, a chapel stands above a holy well. The mountain climate is very changeable, and the brothers must hurry to harvest the hay before rainfall. Restored in 1997 as a male monastery.

Sergei Smirnov

Father Nikolai, an elder of the Ufa diocese, visits the cloister to answer workers' questions. Lay people often come and spend time at the monastery. The purpose of their visits is the selfless desire to help the monastery. In addition to their desire to help the monastery, people are frequently in need of spiritual help and support, and in search of a new outlook on life. Visitors and monks live in small detached wooden monastic cells.

Sergei Smirnov

标签: 东正教宗教
