共产主义光鲜的一面: 苏联海报女郎 俄罗斯东正教的美景


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
Famous Soviet photographer Lev Borodulin celebrates his 80th anniversary this year. Moscow House of Photography has its works on display till February, 10.

Moscow House of Photography

前苏联著名摄影师列夫·博罗杜林( Lev Borodulin )今年庆祝了他的80岁寿辰。莫斯科摄影家协会展出了他的作品,展览至2月10日结束。
Coach Vikentiy Dmitriev. 1964 // Lev Borodulin was born in Moscow, in 1923. In 1940 he entered the Art Department of the Moscow Institute of Polygraphy, but went to the front in 1941.

Lev Borodulin / Moscow House of Photography

维肯提·德米特里耶夫( Vikentiy Dmitriev )教练。1964年 //列夫·博罗杜林1923年出生于莫斯科。 1940年,他进入莫斯印刷学院艺术系,但在1941年就上了前线。
Water fest. 1959 // After the War Borodulin finished his studies at the Institute of Polygraphy, and became seriously involved with photography.

Lev Borodulin / Moscow House of Photography

水上盛宴。1959年 //战争结束后,博罗杜林完成了在印刷学院的学业,真正开始从事摄影工作。
Swallow. 1960 // The post-war years were possibly the toughest in the country’s history and in the history of Soviet photography. One of the best photography movements in the world came under the heel of the authorities.

Lev Borodulin / The Lumiere Brothers Photo Gallery

燕子。 1960年 //战后的年代可能是苏联历史上和苏联摄影史上最艰难的时期。世界上最好的摄影运动之一遭到了政府的打压。
Parade. 1956 // It was exactly at this time that Borodulin decided to dedicate his life to photography. His work was influenced by the classics of Soviet modernism: Alexander Rodchenko, Boris Ignatovich, Arkadiy Shaihet.

Lev Borodulin / The Lumiere Brothers Photo Gallery

行进。 1956年 //博罗杜林正是在这个时候决定将自己的一生奉献给摄影事业的。他的作品受到了苏联现代主义大师的影响,其中包括了:亚历山大·罗得琴科( Alexander Rodchenko ),鲍里斯·伊格纳托维奇( Boris Ignatovich )和阿卡蒂·沙赫特( Arkadiy Shaihet )。
Pyramid. 1954 // He turned to sports photography, the only sphere in which there were no ideological rules, and looked to resurrect formalist principles there, reinventing the tradition of the great photography of the 20s and 30s.

Lev Borodulin / Moscow House of Photography

金字塔。 1954年 // 他转向了体育摄影,这是唯一没有意识形态规范的领域。他想重新树立起形式主义的原则,重塑20年代和30年代优秀的摄影传统。
Forward. 1959 // In the fifteen years he spent working for the magazine Ogonyok, Lev Borodulin travelled round the whole world, shooting, shoulder to shoulder with Dmitriy Bartelmanz, Olympics and Word Championships, creating pictures which have become classics of international sports photography.

Lev Borodulin / Moscow House of Photography

前进。1959年 // 在他为《火苗》杂志工作的 15年间,列夫·博罗杜林周游了整个世界,与德米特里·巴特尔曼兹( Dmitriy Bartelmanz )一起拍摄奥运会和世锦赛,他们的作品成为了国际体育摄影中的精品。
We play volleyball. 1965 // In 1964 the English ‘Photography Year Book’ named Borodulin a «Star of World Photography», in 1967 the Japanese magazine Asahi made him photographer of the year, and in 1966 he received a gold medal in Munich.

Lev Borodulin / The Lumiere Brothers Photo Gallery

我们打排球。1965年 // 1964年,英国的《摄影年鉴》提命博罗杜林为“世界摄影之星”。1967年,日本《朝日》杂志授予他年度摄影大师的称号;1966年,他在慕尼黑荣获一枚金质奖章。
Fight. 1960s // By the 40’s Borodulin had also begun to collect soviet photography, purposing on photography about World War II.

Lev Borodulin / Moscow House of Photography

击剑。上世纪60年代 //到40年代,博罗杜林也开始收集苏联摄影,专门搜集关于二战的摄影作品。
Albert Azaryan, an Olympic champion. 1955 // Today Lev Borodulin’s collection is a unique phenomenon. It shows both a history of Russia in photographs as well as a history of the development of Russian photography.

Lev Borodulin / Moscow House of Photography

奥运冠军阿尔伯特·阿扎良( Albert Azaryan )。 1955年 //如今,列夫·博罗杜林的作品集是个独特的现象。它既用照片展现了俄罗斯的历史,也反映了俄罗斯摄影的发展史。
Three generations. 1976 // In 1972, at the height of his fame, Lev Borodulin left the USSR for Israel.

Lev Borodulin / Moscow House of Photography

三代人。1976年 / / 1972年,在他声望最隆的时候,列夫·博罗杜林离开前苏联去了以色列。
In the army. 1975 // Lev Borodulin has worked for 40 years in Israel, and has become one of Israel’s most famous photographers.

Lev Borodulin / Moscow House of Photography

在军队里。1976年 /列夫·博罗杜林 在以色列工作了40年,他成为了以色列最著名的摄影师之一。
标签: 苏联重返苏联体育摄影作品
