庆祝建国1150周年 世界最大俄罗斯帆船环球航行 神奇静谧的克罗诺基自然保护区


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
Everything looks edible and quite appetizing in the kitchen of a soap-maker.

Mikhail Mordasov

"We didn't spent a ruble on advertising; the word-of-mouth marketing has played its role," says Dmitry Serov, Kristina's husband. "The purpose of doing this business is not buying a yacht tomorrow. We are doing it to give this chance to our grandchildren".

Mikhail Mordasov

克里斯蒂娜的丈夫德米特里·谢罗夫(Dmitriy Serov)介绍说:“我们没有花一分钱做广告,完全靠的是口碑。们做这个并不是为了明天就给自己买豪华游艇,而是想给子孙后代一个机会。”
Kristina is still considers her activity as a hobby and does not regard it as a business. The entire income from sales and a significant portion of her husband's salary are spent on further development, including raw materials, packaging paper, bottles and jars, designer's work and production of labels.

Mikhail Mordasov

Now she makes about four tons of products in a year: soap, shampoos, gels, balms, scrubs and creams. All of them are supplied to spa salons, elite bath-houses, stores and outlets selling natural cosmetics. Soap from Medoveevka under the Krasnopolyanskoe Mylo brand name is also ordered by private clients from Russia and other countries.

Mikhail Mordasov

Kristina has been making soap for six years. She began with several bars - for personal use and for her friends.

Mikhail Mordasov

The overwhelming majority of mass market soap producers do not waste time on chemical reactions, they use a ready-made soap base. Usually it contains a huge amount of harmful components, including the compounds of heavy metals.

Mikhail Mordasov

Various additives, such as oils, decoctions, milk, honey, etc., are added to the soap before it hardens.

Mikhail Mordasov

Medoveevka dwellers follow the ancient soap-makers' technology: they combine a mix of vegetable fats and a water solution of caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) that provokes a chemical reaction.

Mikhail Mordasov

Three years ago Kristina Sudarevskaya with her husband Dmitry and their little daughters moved from Moscow to a tiny mountain village, Medoveevka, located ten kilometers away from Krasnaya Polyana, Sochi.

Mikhail Mordasov

3年前,克里斯蒂娜·苏杰列夫斯卡娅(Kristina Suderevskaya)与丈夫德米特里及小女儿从莫斯科搬到了距离索契卡拉斯拉雅波利亚纳10公里远的梅多维耶夫卡村。
Olive and sunflower seed oils are prepared in a steel bowl, the pieces of coconut and palm oil are melting in a sauce pan on a low fire. There is a huge arsenal of bottles and flasks with essential and cosmetic oils.

Mikhail Mordasov

Goat milk, honey, eggs, nettle decoction, dried eucalyptus and rose buds, forest herbs are collected in the morning.

Mikhail Mordasov

"People have a skeptical attitude to my products, buy them in small amounts for trial, but then they come back to buy more. The difference between home-made and manufactured soap is obvious," Kristina says.

Mikhail Mordasov

"According to people's logic, there's no need to use fragile natural components, when there are cheap colorants, aromatizers and substitutes of every kind."

Mikhail Mordasov

"I realize that it is really hard to believe that I make soap with goat milk, fresh carrot juice or calendula decoction," Kristina complains.

Mikhail Mordasov

The composition of soap is not a big secret. Accurately verified recipes: the portion of every ingredient is calculated precisely. However, it is almost impossible to reproduce an author's recipe.

Mikhail Mordasov

There are some problems with communications and electricity here. There snow covers houses up to the roof in the winter, whereas bears regularly visit apple gardens in the summer. However, the air and the water are crystal-clear, forests and meadows are full of plants from the Red Book.

Mikhail Mordasov

标签: 生意人生态索契自然生活方式
