RBTH RBTH RBTH RBTH RBTH The Sevmash shipbuilding company is located in the Arkhangelsk-region city of Severodvinsk. It is the largest shipbuilding complex in Russia. Sevmash's primary focus is in building nuclear submarines for the Russian Navy. RBTH RBTH RBTH
俄罗斯美女:演员雅尼娜·斯图吉利娜 萨马拉地铁:全俄最安全的地下交通网络之一


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
The Russian food-stylist and photographer Tatyana Shkondina has brought to life a long-anticipated art project: recreating world-famous paintings with food and various other items. She comments on each of her works. Salvador Dali, "The Persistence of Time", 1931. "This was one of the hardest paintings because I wanted to preserve the sense of depth without making it too deep. Particulate matter and gradients came to the rescue."

Tatiana Shkondina www.foodphotography.ru

俄罗斯摄影师塔季扬娜·斯科蒂娜(Tatyana Shkodina)实现了一项期待已久的艺术项目——以食物及各种其他物品重塑世界名画。她对自己的每一幅作品进行了评论。萨尔瓦多·达利(Salvador Dali)的名画《记忆的永恒》(1931年)。“这是最难再现的作品之一,因为我想展现作品原本的深度,同时避免将作品变得太过高深。我用颗粒物和渐变方式解决了这个问题。”
Piet Mondrian, "Composition with red, yellow, and blue", 1921. "I really love the geometry and fascinating combination of colors."

Tatiana Shkondina www.foodphotography.ru

皮埃特·蒙德里安(Piet Modrian),《红黄蓝的构图》(1921年)。“我非常喜欢几何形状和迷人的颜色结合。”
Katsushika Hokusai, "Red Fuji", 1831. "Since he's a Japanese artist, I used rice, salmon, and green tea for the painting."

Tatiana Shkondina www.foodphotography.ru

Andy Warhol, "Dollar Sign", 1982. "Warhol painted a lot of variations with the dollar sign in different colors and on different backgrounds. This selection was the result. The funniest part for me was thinking up how to make the dollar sign with different colors of "cabbage" (Russian slang for 'money'). It was a little cheekiness that entertained me in the process."

Tatiana Shkondina www.foodphotography.ru

安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol),《美元符号》(1982年)。“沃霍尔用不同颜色在不同背景上绘制了美元符号的变体。对绘画对象的选择决定了绘画结果。对我来说最有趣的部分就是思考如何用不同颜色的“白菜”(俄国俚语指“钱”)来表现美元符号。绘制过程中的自大感觉非常让我乐在其中。”
René Magritte, "The Son of Man", 1964. "I have a feeling this painting is very often recreated using food."

Tatiana Shkondina www.foodphotography.ru

雷内·马格利特(René Magritte),《人子》(1964年)。“我感觉这幅画经常是美食作画的对象。”
Vincent van Gogh, "Sunflowers", 1888. "Van Gogh has a few paintings of sunflowers. In the painting, it was interesting to emulate his brush strokes on a background made with a brush and flower. It was also interesting to create the sunflowers' volume with different-colored bell peppers."

Tatiana Shkondina www.foodphotography.ru

文森特·梵高(Vincent Van Gogh),《向日葵》(1888年)。“梵高画了不少关于向日葵的作品。在绘制画作背景时我用笔刷和花朵模仿他的笔触效果,我感到非常有趣。用不同色彩的甜椒创作立体的向日葵也非常有意思。”
Vincent van Gogh, "Starry Night", 1889. "This is one of the largest paintings. I put it together for a few hours because it had a lot of small parts and movements."

Tatiana Shkondina www.foodphotography.ru

森特·梵高(Vincent Van Gogh),《星夜》(1889年)。“这是工作量最大的作品之一。我用了数个小时才把食材摆放好,因为这幅画有很多细节和动态感。”
Gustav Klimt, "Tree of Life", 1905-1909. "This is one of the most interesting artists for me."

Tatiana Shkondina www.foodphotography.ru

古斯塔夫·克里姆特(Gustave Klimt),《生命之树》(1905-1909年)。“对我而言他是最有趣的艺术家之一。”
Kazimir Malevich, "Black Square", 1923. "This is the most recognizable Russian painting, that's why I used black caviar to bring it to life."

Tatiana Shkondina www.foodphotography.ru

卡济米尔·马列维奇(Casimir Malevich),《黑方块》(1923年)。“这是俄罗斯最知名的绘画作品,因此我用黑鱼子酱去重塑它。”
Wassily Kandinsky, "Several Circles", 1926. "This is my favorite painting."

Tatiana Shkondina www.foodphotography.ru

瓦西里·康定斯基 (Wassily Kandinsky),《几个圆圈》(1926年)。“这是我最喜欢的画作。”
Pablo Picasso, "Dove of Peace", 1961. "This is one of his favorite works. I used Italian food items for this painting: pasta and herbs.

Tatiana Shkondina www.foodphotography.ru

巴勃罗·毕加索(Pablo Picasso),《和平鸽》(1961年)。“这是他最喜欢的作品。我用意大利食物完成了这幅画:意大利面和香草。”
