俄罗斯帝国儿童时装的衰落 盘点2012莫斯科国际电影节明星十大最佳着装


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
Many media allege that Karabash, a town in Chelyabinsk Region, situated in 1710 km from Moscow, is recognized by UNESCO as one of the planet's most polluted towns. The claim is disputed by the mayor and the municipal administration, and no media source has cited the title or release date of a document confirming the fact.

Sergei Kolyaskin

We shall not contend either way, but researches witnessed by photographer Sergei Kolyaskin has uncovered some frightening data. His project was awarded a research grant from the Russian Ministry of Culture and came second in the Yefremov Photojournalism Competition on the topic "Ecology.

Sergei Kolyaskin

"For more than a year, I studied what could be described as the dirtiest place on the planet — Karabash. The aim of my project is to demonstrate to Society the impact that human activity has had on the face of Mother Earth. I want to show not only Karabash, but other regions of Russia defiled by Mankind," - says Sergei.

Sergei Kolyaskin

“在一年多时间里,我研究了可以被形容为地球上最肮脏的地方 - 卡拉巴什。我的项目的研究目标是向社会展示,人类活动对地球表面所造成的恶劣影响,我要展示的不仅是卡拉巴什,还有俄罗斯其他一些遭人类破坏的地区。”
Karabash is a town in Chelyabinsk Oblast with a population of 15,000. The main part of the city looks like a village. In the 1970s, the population was 60,000. Karabash came into being in 1822 following the discovery of gold placers on the site of an ancient Tatar settlement. The name Karabash means "black head" in the Tartar language.

Sergei Kolyaskin

Copper mining began here in the early 20th century. After several decades of mining and smelting copper ore, the town became an ecological disaster zone. There were initially no treatment facilities at the plant — no one thought too much about the environment in Soviet times.

Sergei Kolyaskin

20世纪初这里开始开采铜矿。经过几十年的开采和冶炼铜矿石,这个镇变成了生态灾区。最初这里的工厂没有污水处理设施 - 在前苏联时期没有人会太考虑环境问题。
In the course of 100 years, the plant has scorched and covered with slag a vast surrounding territory. In just one year of operation, it churns into the atmosphere more than 180 metric tons of gases, which fall nearby as acid rain.

Sergei Kolyaskin

The copper content in the ore is less than 1%, which means that 100 metric tons of rock must be processed to produce just one metric ton of copper. Thousands of tons of sludge remain after the copper has been extracted. It is dumped not far from the plant, creating what are known as waste banks.But the slag-heaps are not the worst thing.

Sergei Kolyaskin

A much greater threat is posed by acid rain. Without going into the details of copper smelting, the copper in the rock is contained in the form of sulphides. When it is burnt, sulfur dioxide (SO2) is released. This forms sulfuric acid (H2SO4) in the atmosphere. Of course, it's not 98% acid — people don't feel the acid in acid rain, but on constant exposure to such rain, vegetation dies. And once it dies, the wind and rain quickly wash away the soil.

Sergei Kolyaskin

酸雨造成的危害更大。不考虑冶炼铜的细节,岩石中的铜是以硫化物的形式存在的。矿石在灼烧后,二氧化硫(SO2)就会被释放到空气中,在大气中形成硫酸(H2SO4)。当然,这不是浓度98%的浓硫酸 - 人们不会察觉到酸雨中的酸,但是经常接触到这样的雨水,植被就会死亡。植被一旦死亡,风和雨就会迅速洗去土壤。
The mountain located near the city has completely lost its forest cover. If you look closely at the surface of the stones, you can see traces of chemical erosion. On Lysaya (Bald) Mountain in Karabash, the words "Save and preserve" have been arranged out of stones. Above the message stands an iron cross 25 meters high made out of pieces of girder. As a kind of facing, the cross is adorned with mirrors so that it shines at sunrise and sunset.

Sergei Kolyaskin

The local river, Sak-Elga, is yellow because the water is oversaturated with iron, and the winter ice is a bright orange color. The content of iron is 500 times above the norm.

Sergei Kolyaskin

当地的埃尔加河( Sak-Elga ),水是黄色的,因为水里含有太多的铁,冬天的冰也呈现出一种明亮的橙色。水中铁的含量是正常水平的500倍以上。
Nothing grows within 100 meters of the banks of the river. The river flows out of Karabash into the Argazi reservoir, which feeds Chelyabinsk. The rate of genetic and acquired diseases in Karabash, including cancer, eczema, kidney stones, defects in utero, dementia, and cerebral palsy, is sky-high. Karabash is evidently not the only one to suffer from the pollution. In the lists of UNESCO and other trustworthy organisations are included these cities: Ulanbataar (Mongolia), Ahwaz (Iran), Kanpur (India) and many others.

Sergei Kolyaskin

标签: 生态地区车里雅宾斯克
