小熊在俄罗斯村子里恢复健康 经历了海洋和时间考验的克鲁森施滕号三桅帆船


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
Inna, 37 years old, musician // “Everything I’m wearing today I bought in India or at Jagannat, the Indian clothing shop at 11 Kuznetsky Bridge Street. I only wear bright colours – they bring the sunshine! In Moscow, people mostly wear dreary clothing”.

Benjamin Hutter

Anna, 32 years old, lawyer at an international company // “This cape was made especially for me by the designer Olga Gerasimenko. She is from Ukraine but lives in Moscow. She also designs handbags and accessories that suit my taste perfectly. Of course I don’t just wear clothes made by her, but they always enhance my outfits”.

Benjamin Hutter

安娜,32岁,国际公司的律师。/ /“这件斗篷是设计师奥尔加·格拉希门科专门为我设计的。她来自乌克兰,但是在莫斯科定居。她设计的手袋和配饰也非常适合我的口味。当然,我也不是只穿她设计的衣服,可她的衣服总是很能衬托我的衣着。”
Slava, 34 years old, manager at Tele2 and Mikhail, 26 years old, journalist at the Mir TV network // Slava: “I bought my bow-tie in a second-hand clothes shop in Berlin. But my favourite accessory, the one I never leave home without, is my Björn Borg bag. He was a brilliant tennis player and I am a great admirer of his work as a designer. I bought this bag a few years ago at the TsUM department store, next to the Bolshoi Theatre. // ” Mikhail: “I try to dress well, but to be honest, designer clothes never fit me. So I find my clothes all over the place, whenever I see something I like. The blue suit I’m wearing today was bought at a shopping centre at the Voykovskaya metro station, I don’t even remember the name of the shop. The same goes for the scarf.”

Benjamin Hutter

斯拉瓦,34岁,Tele2经理;米哈伊尔,26岁,Mir电视台/ /斯拉瓦:“我在柏林的一家二手衣店买的领结。但我最喜欢的配件,我出门从来不会忘了带的是我的博格手袋。他是个优秀的网球运动员,而且我很喜欢他设计的作品。这个袋子是我几年前在莫斯科大剧院旁边的TsUM百货公司买的”。 / / 米哈伊尔说:“我尽量穿得好一些,可是说实话,设计师的作品根本不适合我。所以我的衣服哪里买的都有,只要看到我喜欢的就会买下来。今天我穿的蓝色西装是在Voykovskaya地铁站的一家购物中心买的,那家商场的名字我都不记得了。这条围巾也是哪里买的”。
Alissa, 20 years old, economics student // “I love to combine classic clothes with an item of sportswear. For example, today I’m wearing a coat by Mango teamed with basketball boots. Or I do the opposite – I wear elegant shoes with a discreet Puma top. That closes no doors for me, it’s universally acceptable.”

Benjamin Hutter

阿利萨,20岁,经济学学生。/ / “我喜欢用运动服和经典服装搭配。比方说,今天我穿的是芒果品牌的外衣,可配的是篮球鞋。或者是反过来,鞋子很漂亮,上身却穿一件不起眼的彪马上衣。对我来说没什么不可以的,怎么搭配都行”。
Patrick, 20 years old, assistant at a music production agency // “I’ve been ripping up my own trousers since I was 13 and that’s virtually all I wear, even in winter. I buy them for virtually nothing in the street markets and I do something with them that is purely personal. At any rate, I don’t know anyone at my agency who wears ‘normal’ clothing.”

Benjamin Hutter

帕特里克,20岁,音乐制作公司助理/ / “从我13岁起我就自己改裤子了,我几乎所有的裤子都是,即使冬天也一样。我在街头市场花很少的钱买回来,然后完全按自己的喜好来改。不管怎么说,我们公司就没有穿正常服装的”。
Ekaterina, 25 years old, photographer // “I only wear brightly coloured dresses; otherwise I’d get bored from the start of the day.”

Benjamin Hutter

埃卡特琳娜,25岁,摄影师。// “我直传颜色鲜艳的服装;不然我一整天都会觉得很沉闷。”
Ekaterina, 24 years old, designer // “I like classic clothing; black, white, beige – and a very plain cut. What I am wearing today is basically Zara – except for the shoes, which I bought in Italy.”

Benjamin Hutter

标签: 莫斯科青年俄罗斯城市服装
