俄罗斯美女 两届艺术体操奥运金牌得主卡纳耶娃 托尔巴奇克火山口苏醒


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
The parish of St George is located in a remote Georgievskoe village in the Ivanovo Region that is about 250 miles (eight hours by car) north-east of Moscow. It hosts one of the 60 rehabilitation centres for drug addicts that the Russian Orthodox Church has opened since the early 1990s. Only 12 people live here – four priests and eight recovering drug addicts from Moscow, St Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Tomsk. The centre tries not to take addicts from nearby towns, in case they begin to think how to escape.

Denis Sinyakov

圣乔治教区在伊万诺沃地区一个偏远的格奥尔基耶夫斯基村( Georgievskoe ) ,位于莫斯科以东约250英里( 8小时车程)。这里有俄罗斯东正教教会自20世纪90年代初以来开设的 60个戒毒中心之一。这里只有12人住在这里 - 4名牧师,和8名来自莫斯科、圣彼得堡、新西伯利亚和托木斯克的戒毒者。该中心尽量不接收来自附近城镇的戒毒者,以免他们想办法逃脱。
The Georgievskoe village consists of a telephone box and a couple of buildings on a hillock, of which one or two, perhaps, are inhabited. The rest stand with their roofs fallen in behind collapsing fences. The monastery grounds are spotless: neatly-trimmed strawberry bushes, garden tools tidily packed away, the greenhouse covered for winter, the paths swept and a horse exercising in the paddock; the farmyard is full of well-fed chickens and a sheep dog is keeping an eye on the enclosure. Nearby they are building a cowshed – as soon as it is feasible, the priests are planning to buy cows.

Denis Sinyakov

Rosy-cheeked, burly and well-mannered young men move around the parish. Aleksandr is bursting with emotion as he holds a chicken in his arms; Anton describes the beautiful sunsets on the Volga River; Andrei remarks shyly about what joy there is in creative work, while the rough-and-ready Konstantin has one of Erich Maria Remarque’s books on his bedside table.

Denis Sinyakov

The “students” all have a similar history of substance abuse; they all started drinking and smoking at around 12 to 14 years old before experimenting with different “stuff” and becoming unexpectedly hooked... but they never considered themselves drug-addicts.

Denis Sinyakov

Father Mefody Kondratyev explains that the idea of getting involved in the rehabilitation of drug addicts arose out of desperation. In 1993, the priests took in an addict as a kind of experiment, accommodated him in a separate building, provided him with an electric boiling ring, and tried to keep mostly away from him – not knowing what might happen. Later there were two addicts, but the priests tried to keep their distance from them, as before.

Denis Sinyakov

梅福迪·孔德拉季耶夫( Mefody Kondratyev )神父解释说,帮助吸毒者戒毒的想法是因为绝望才产生的。在1993年,牧师们收容了一个吸毒者进行尝试,把他安置在一幢单独的建筑内,为他提供了电热水器,还尽量让大多数不要接触他 - 因为不知道会出现什么情况。后来这里来了两个吸毒者,可是牧师还是像以前一样,尽量保持和他们的距离。
But by the end of the 1990s, they had begun to realise that things had to be done differently, and over the years that followed they worked out the rehabilitation programme which they still use to this day.

Denis Sinyakov

The centre’s residents say that it’s not easy to get taken in here, on the banks of the Volga – you have to pass an interview, and stay clean for at least 10 days before being accepted. Once taken in, residents sign an agreement that they will obey the clergy, attend church services and carry out their duties (that is, carrying out various kinds of assignments).

Denis Sinyakov

戒毒中心的居民说,来这里也不容易,在伏尔加河岸上 - 你必须通过面试,并在至少10天内不接触毒品,然后才会被接受。一旦被接纳之后,居民要签订协议,承诺他们会服从牧师,参加教堂的礼拜,履行自己的职责(即,完成各种交给他们的工作)。
The day begins with a church service for both the priests and their charges, after which there are some short morning exercises followed by breakfast. After breakfast and lunch, each of the residents gets on with their allotted tasks; for some this means chopping firewood, for others bringing in hay, still others clean the dormitories. Evening Service precedes supper. Saturdays and Sundays are rest days and, except for a short church service and their meals, the patients are free to do more or less as they please.

Denis Sinyakov

On Saturday evenings, everybody gets together to discuss the week’s results. Each of the parish clergy takes an hour to an hour-and-a-half to go through the previous week’s plan with the residents and assess their progress. On Sundays, the priests prepare the patients for a normal life, discussing different topics with them – how to receive guests, how to arrange a room. Then after supper, they watch a film. Abbot Siluan chooses the films. The parish’s collection includes films by Tarkovsky and Zvyaginstev, along with Russian and foreign classics. On Monday evenings, the residents discuss the films they have seen with the priests.

Denis Sinyakov

每个周六晚上,所有的人会聚在一起讨论本周的成果。每一位教区的神职人员要用一个小时到一个半小时,与戒毒者一起回顾上周的计划,评估其进展情况。在周日,牧师们会让患者做好过正常生活的准备,与他们讨论各种话题 - 如何接待客人,如何安排房间。晚饭后他们会看一部电影,挑选电影的是院长希路安。教区收藏的影片包括塔可夫斯基( Tarkovsky )和泽维亚金斯托夫( Zvyaginstev )的影片,以及俄罗斯和外国的经典作品。在每周一的晚上,戒毒者们会和牧师们一起讨论他们看的影片。
There are several stages to the rehabilitation process. During the first stage, residents at the centre “come round” and write reflective essays on three standard topics – the story of their addiction, their denial about their dependency (how they justified their dependency), and their powerlessness in the face of their addiction (a description of their inability to deal with their drug dependency, and with dealing with their own thoughts, actions and mistakes concerning their addiction).

Denis Sinyakov

康复过程分几个阶段。在第一阶段,戒毒中心的戒毒者要“回心转意”,就三个标准的题目写论文:他们上瘾的故事,他们对毒品依赖的不肯承认(他们是如何为自己的毒品依赖找理由的),他们在面对毒瘾时的无力感,(描述他们无法面对自己对毒品的依赖,面对与毒品有关的思想,行动和错误的无能为力) 。
The second stage is the spiritual component. The recovering addicts spend several months learning how to deal with their addiction through ascetic self-denial, learning the meaning of fasting, prayer, obedience and the holy sacraments.

Denis Sinyakov

The third stage is adaptation, which some also call the “half-way house”. The recovering addicts, without losing touch with their mentors, begin to establish a life outside the centre, finding jobs, building social contacts and learning how to live in a drug-free world.

Denis Sinyakov

The average rehabilitation period in the parish is around a year, or a year-and-a-half. No one is kept against their own will. Once residents feel they are able to live in a secular environment, they discuss it with a priest before leaving. The priests of the St George’s parish believe that the rehabilitation method they have developed for treating addiction is successful, although they are not rushing to translate that success into statistics.

Denis Sinyakov

The priests of the St George’s parish believe that the rehabilitation method they have developed for treating addiction is successful, although they are not rushing to translate that success into statistics. “We no longer bother keeping numbers,” says Father Mefody. He says it is a thankless task, as dependency remains latent for life, and one can never tell when someone might falter. This is why the former residents refer to themselves as “recovering”, and not “recovered”.

Denis Sinyakov

圣乔治教区的牧师认为,他们制定的戒毒方法是成功的,不过他们并不急于把这一成功转换成统计数字。梅福迪牧师说: “我们不再费心统计数字。”他说这是个吃力不讨好的任务,由于依赖性仍然潜伏在生活之中,谁也无从判断,一个人什么时候可能会动摇。这就是曾经的居民称自己为“康复中” ,而不是“已康复”的原因 。
Even so, Father Silvanus claims that more than half of their former patients remain “clean”. Those who slip back are not taken back at the parish – they set a bad example for the other inmates, and indulging them might derail the others.

Denis Sinyakov

标签: 社会平民生活疾病东正教宗教
