从吸毒成瘾到信奉上帝 “谁说女子不如男” 女子拳击成俄罗斯社会新时尚


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
Instead of a nightmare for Kamchatka's tour operators, the eruption of Mount Tolbachik was a blessing. Winter helicopter tours to Tolbachik have become the season's hit for Russian and foreign tourists.


对堪察加半岛的旅游经营者来说,托尔巴奇克火山( Tolbachik )喷发不是噩梦,反倒是一件幸事。冬季的托尔巴奇克火山直升机之旅已经成为俄罗斯和外国游客在冬季最热门的项目。
“No one expected it. According to predictions, it should have started much later. About a month before it began, we recorded some earthquakes, but they were sparse, and no one paid much attention to them. Then, on the night of 26-27 November, a powerful earthquake cycle was triggered. The very next day, it was clear to all that Tolbachik was the site of the eruption," recalls volcanologist Yuri Demyanchuk.


火山学家尤里·德米杨楚科( Yuri Demyanchuk )回忆说:“谁都没有想到。据预测,它的喷发应该要晚得多。在它开始喷发大约一个月前,我们记录到了一些地震,不过地震并不密集,也没有多少人给予足够的重视。然而在11月26日至27日晚,一个剧烈的地震周期出现了。就在第二天,人们发现托尔巴奇克山出现了火山爆发。”
Demyanchuk was one of the first to get a shot of the awakening volcano. On November 29, Yuri was part of a team of scientists that made the first aerial survey of Tolbachik. The aerovisual inspection identified that a new fissure had formed as a result of the eruption, which will most likely be named Novy Treschiny [New Fissure]. A celebration for volcanologists.


德米杨楚科是最早拍摄到火山苏醒的人之一。 11月29日,尤里与几名科学家一起,第一次对托尔巴奇克山进了航测。空中察看表明,火山爆发形成了一条新的裂缝,它将最有可能被命名为,新裂隙。这是值得火山学家庆幸的事情。
The eruption effortlessly plowed through the whole of the Tolbachinsk vale. The mountainside of Plosky [Flat] Tolbachik, one of the volcanoes, was rent asunder by two huge cracks, 1700 and 1900 meters long. One of the fissures ran all the way up to Red Cone, the main attraction of the vale. 200-meter crests of lava spewed forth from the gaping faults. Moving at a speed of 300 meters per hour, the lava flows set fire to the surrounding forest and almost completely destroyed the Vodopadnaya and Leningradskaya volcanology field bases.


火山喷发毫不费力地挤过整个托尔巴奇克山谷。托尔巴奇克山是一座火山,它的一处山腰上有两条巨大的裂缝,分别有1700米和1900米长。一条裂缝一路延伸到红锥,那里是山谷中的主要景点。200米高的熔岩从敞开的故障喷涌而出。熔岩以每小时300米的速度移动,点燃了周围的森林,而且几乎彻底摧毁了沃多帕纳亚( Vodopadnaya )的和列宁格勒火山学野外研究基地。
The tales of villagers from the settlement of Maiskoe, located 60 km from the center of the eruption, embellish the picture of this local apocalypse. In the first few days, as lava tore the ground, seeking egress, the village was filled with an unearthly roar and the windows of nearby houses shook furiously. Fishermen say that water jetted out of cavities in the riverbed from the force of the shock wave. To top it all, ash rained down from the sky upon the village.


麦斯科( Maiskoe )聚居点位于火山喷发中心60公里外,村民的的描述丰富了这次当地灾难的景象。在最初的几天里,熔岩撕扯着地面,寻找着出口,村中随处都能听到来自地下的轰鸣声,附近房屋的窗户玻璃都在剧烈震动着。渔民们说,河床在冲击波的力量下将河水都喷溅了起来。更有甚者,火山灰还不断从天空中洒落到村子里。
In the wake of the scientists came many onlookers with no scientific background, just inquisitive adventurers. Dozens of adrenaline junkies in souped-up off-roaders and snowmobiles rushed to Tolbachik in search of thrills and unusual photo opportunities.


Among the first to spy the lay of the land was Yevgeny Kostyukov. Incidentally, he went there not only out of curiosity: as a professional organizer of extreme expeditions, for him it was a working visit.


叶夫根尼·柯斯丘科夫( Yevgeny Kostyukov )是第一批前去探查土层分布的人之一。顺便说一句,他不是出于好奇才赶去那里的:作为一个专业的极限探险队的组织者,这是一次工作探访。
Helicopter tours to Tolbachik were the Kamchatka travel industry's instantaneous response to the rabid media and blog-fueled interest in the eruption. Just two weeks after the start of the eruption, the Internet was full of offers. Some tours to the eruption site are by snowmobile and skis, but such option, although safe, requires very thorough preparation on the part of the tourist.


A hundred meters from the crater, the unbearable heat and suffocating stench of sulfur is overpowering. The landscape is something between the cinematic Mordor and the views of Earth from a BBC documentary about the origins of the planet. The crater of the volcano resembles a hell's kitchen frying pan, with huge swirling bubbles of lava, slag and debris splashing all around, spitting out lethal stony projectiles…


百米的火山口,天气炎热和令人窒息的恶臭硫是压倒性的。景观是什么之间的电影魔多和地球的意见,从英国广播公司( BBC )纪录片,关于这个星球的起源。火山口的火山就像一个地狱的厨房油炸锅,巨大的旋涡气泡的熔岩,矿渣,碎片飞溅四周,随地吐痰了致命的石弹
The state of play is the same as it has been for millions of years. Even in today's highly advanced world, we are powerless to predict eruptions accurately or do anything to stop them. Only nature itself can minimize the disastrous consequences: were it not for winter, all the vegetation in the area would have long been engulfed by an almighty conflagration. The only casualty was the nearby forest, since the snow prevented the blaze from spreading any further.


Volcanologists will spend about 2-3 months studying the eruption. The interest of tourists will die down even faster. "I'm tired of organizing these helicopter tours. It's too much hassle for little reward," frowns Yevgeny Kostyukov. "I could earn four times as much from snowmobile tours in the same time. It's time to call it a day."


将花费大约2-3个月的学习喷发火山学家。游客的权益会死,甚至更快。 “我累了,组织这些直升机之旅。太麻烦,少的回报,皱起了眉头叶夫根尼•科斯秋科夫 。 “我可以赚4倍多,从雪地摩托之旅在同一时间,这时候收工。 ”
This winter, helicopter tours to Tolbachik were Kamchatka's number one attraction. Fully loaded helicopters fly from Anavgai and Kozyrevsk 2-3 times daily. The cost of a three-day helicopter tour ranges from 300 to 500 euros per person. Several tour operators on the peninsula provide such services.


这个冬天,直升机之旅对托尔巴奇克 的堪察加半岛的一个景点。满载直升机飞行从Anavgai和Kozyrevsk的每日2-3次。为期三天的直升机之旅的费用介乎300至500欧元每人。半岛上的几个旅游经营者提供这样的服务。
标签: 地区堪察加半岛火山
