俄罗斯美女 全满贯选手玛利亚•莎拉波娃 俄罗斯最后的驯鹿牧民的艰苦生活


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
Andrei Arkhangelsky is a hermit who lives a solitary life on the Pacific coast of Kunashir Island in the Greater Kuril Ridge.

Andrei Shapran

安德烈·亚克汗戈尔斯基( Andrei Arkhangelsky )是一位隐士,在太平洋沿岸千岛群岛的国后岛上过着孤独的生活。
He works as a fish inspector, but in his spare time indulges in an unusual hobby: horse breeding.

Andrei Shapran

In Soviet times, the Kuril Islands were home to many horses. Farmers and border guards simply had no other means of transportation.

Andrei Shapran

After the collapse of the USSR, the horses were left ownerless. In the space of just one year, all the animals were slaughtered by people arriving in helicopters and shooting horses for pleasure. Andrei was the only person who decided to bring horses back to the island.

Andrei Shapran

He got some of the horses from other people, and some he brought over himself. He initially planned to shoe the horses and collected many horseshoes, but later changed his mind. Horses' hooves harden naturally over time.

Andrei Shapran

A typical herd consists of 30 adult horses and 10 foals. About five horses a year are lost for various reasons. They all live out in the elements, since Andrei has no stable large enough to accommodate them.

Andrei Shapran

典型的马群由 30匹成年马和10匹马驹组成。每年大约有五匹马会因为各种原因死去。它们要忍受自然环境的盐库,因为安德烈没有足够大的马厩来安置它们。
Andrei does not give names to his horses. There would be too many to remember. But they can all expect to receive a treat now and then — a lump of sugar.

Andrei Shapran

Andrei uses a quad bike to get to the nearest villages. The 30-50 kilometer (20-30 mile) trip is too much for a horse.

Andrei Shapran

Andrei Arkhangelsky was born in the suburbs of Moscow, but never took to city life. He visits his birthplace once a year, but is always glad to get back to his island.

Andrei Shapran

When he gets back, it usually takes two weeks to recover from the urban stress and strain. Only after that does Andrei feel human again.

Andrei Shapran

In the vast expanse of territory under his control, Andrei has only one neighbor — a bear. The latter also lays claim to the land, refusing to admit other bears.

Andrei Shapran

在他掌控下的辽阔土地上,安德烈只有一个邻居—— 一只熊。这头熊总会划定地界,不让别的熊进来。
Andrei knows that he will leave the island before he reaches old age. The horses will be of no use to anyone. Some of them will not survive the first winter; the rest will go to the slaughter-house.

Andrei Shapran

安德烈 知道自己在步入老年之前就会离开这座岛。这些马对任何人都没有用了。其中一些马连第一个冬天都撑不过去;而剩下的马匹则会被送进屠宰场。
标签: 平民生活动物千岛群岛
