俄罗斯美女:电台、电视台主持人奥莉加·谢列斯特 在雪后的森林邂逅精灵:两只打雪仗的小松鼠


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
「銃兵隊処刑の朝」ヴァシーリー・スリコフ、1881 /ピョートル大帝が1698年に反乱を起こした銃兵隊を処刑する場面

Vasiliy Surikov

《近卫军临刑的早晨》,瓦西里•苏里科夫(Vasiliy Surikov),1881年/俄国沙皇彼得大帝在1698年起义后处死叛军。
Equestrian. Karl Bryullov, 1832 / Equine strength conquered by simple beauty is the main motif of the picture.

Karl Bryullov

国立特列季亚科夫画廊的永久展品包括俄罗斯18、19和20世纪的最著名画作。我们选择了在俄罗斯家喻户晓的15位艺术家们的最优秀作品。 《女骑士》,卡尔•布留洛夫(Karl Bryullov),1832年/蛮力屈服于脆弱的美是该画作的主题。
Legible Fiancee. Pavel Fedotov, 1847 / Pavel Fedotov's works are famous for depicting the ordinary life of Russian villagers.

Pavel Fedotov

《爱挑剔的未婚妻》,帕维尔•费多托夫(Pavel Fedotov),1847年/帕维尔•费多托夫的作品以描绘俄罗斯村民日常生活而闻名于世。
Golden Fall. Isaak Levitan, 1895 / A very bright view combined with a free impressionist manner of painting.

Isaak Levitan

《金色的秋天》,艾萨克•列维坦(Isaak Levitan),1895年/结合了自由印象派绘画方式、色调明快的画作。
Portrait of Alexander Pushkin. Orest Kiprensky, 1827 / Contemporaries called Pushkin the 'sun of Russian poetry'. An important detail: there is a statue of the Muse with a lyre just behind the poet.

Orest Kiprensky

《亚历山大•普希金的肖像》,奥列斯特•基普连斯基(Orest Kiprensky),1827年/普希金被同时代人称为“俄罗斯诗歌的太阳”。该画作中的一个细节尤为重要:诗人身后正好有一尊手持竖琴的缪斯雕像。
Ivan the Terrible Killing his Son. Ilya Repin, 1885 / The painting tells the story of Czar Ivan IV, who in a fit of anger kills his son.

Ilya Repin

《伊万雷帝杀子》,伊利亚•列宾(Ilya Repin),1885年/画作描绘了沙皇伊万四世在盛怒之下杀死自己儿子的故事。
Spring, On Ploughed Land. Alexey Venetsianov, 1820s / This painting depicts the pure beauty of the archetypal Russian woman. The child in the picture is a symbol of fertility. The woman almost seems to be floating above the ground, moving slowly and gracefully.

Alexey Venetsianov

《春耕》,阿列克谢•韦涅奇阿诺夫(Alexey Venetsianov),19世纪20年代/这幅画描绘了俄罗斯典型女性的纯洁之美。画作中的孩子象征着繁育。女人几乎漂浮在地面之上,缓慢而优雅地移动着。
The Appearance of Christ before the People. Alexander Ivanov, 1837-1857 / Ivanov described the subject of the painting as 'universal'. His aim was to depict the whole of mankind at a moment that changed its destiny.

Alexander Ivanov

《基督显圣》,亚历山大•伊万诺夫(Aleksandr Ivanov),1837-1857年/伊万诺夫曾将该画作主题描述为“全世界的”,其目的旨在描绘出全人类在改变自己命运的那一时刻。
The Rainbow. Ivan Aivazovsky, 1873 / Ivan Aivazovsky is considered the world's greatest painter of seascapes. The rainbow had special significance for romantic-style painters, who admired the beauty of nature even at times of great danger.

Ivan Aivazovsky

《彩虹》,伊万•艾瓦佐夫斯基(Ivan Aivazovsky),1873年/伊万•艾瓦佐夫斯基被认为是世界上最伟大的海景画家。彩虹对于即使在危急时刻也崇尚自然之美的浪漫主义画家有着特殊的意义。
Hunters at Rest. Vasiliy Perov, 1871 / Vasiliy Perov was a passionate hunter, so all his hunting themes are totally authentic. The three hunters are different: the one on the left is an old hand who likes to spin a yarn about his hunting exploits, the second has doubts, while the third is a credulous newcomer.

Vasiliy Perov

《休息中的猎人》,瓦西里•佩罗夫(Vasiliy Perov),1871年/瓦西里•佩罗夫是一个充满激情的猎人,所以他的狩猎主题完全真实。三个猎人的不同点在于:左边的那个是老手,喜欢一直讲述关于他打猎的壮举;第二个有所疑虑;而第三个则是个轻信他人的新手。
Pine Forest. Ivan Shishkin, 1872 / Ivan Shishkin was sure that Russian nature was inseparable from Russian ideas, life and the nation as a whole. The pine forest at noon is a symbol of the country's slumbering strength.

Ivan Shishkin

《松树林》,伊万•希施金(Ivan Shishkin),1872年/伊万•希施金深信俄罗斯的自然与俄罗斯的精神、生活和国家密不可分、融为一体。中午的松树林正是这个国家沉睡中的力量的象征。
Alenushka. Victor Vasnetsov, 1881 / Alenushka is a character from Russian folk tales. Here, she is modeled on a peasant girl and symbolizes prettiness and the silence of an obedient orphan.

Victor Vasnetsov

《阿廖努什卡》,维克多•瓦斯涅佐夫(Victor Vasnetsov),1881年/阿廖努什卡是俄罗斯民间童话中的人物,画中的她是一个美丽、孤独而顺从的农家孤儿。
The Apotheosis of War. Vasily Vereshchagin, 1871 / A pyramid of human skulls conveys the destructive power of war.

Vasily Vereshchagin

《战争祭礼》,瓦西里•韦列夏金(Vasily Vereshchagin),1871年/由人类头骨组成的金字塔表现了战争的破坏力。
Moscow Country Yard. Vasiliy Polenov, 1878 / Polenov's celebrated painting of ordinary traditional Russian life. The church in the picture still stands on Arbat Street, right in the center of Moscow.

Vasiliy Polenov

《莫斯科庭院》,瓦西里•波列诺夫(Vasiliy Polenov),1878年/波列诺夫描绘俄罗斯普通传统生活的著名画作。画中的教堂依然矗立在莫斯科市中心的阿尔巴特大街上。
Unknown. Ivan Kramskoi, 1883 / This painting of an unnamed woman is intriguing. She is not a beauty in the traditional sense, yet striking, chic and dressed according to the latest fashion.

Ivan Kramskoi

《无名女郎》,伊万•克拉姆斯柯依(Ivan Kramskoi),1883年/画中的不知名女性美丽动人。她的美丽不是传统意义上的,而是由于她的时尚穿着而引人注目。
标签: 博物馆艺术画家作品
