RBTH RBTH RBTH RBTH RBTH RBTH RBTH RBTH The Sevmash shipbuilding company is located in the Arkhangelsk-region city of Severodvinsk. It is the largest shipbuilding complex in Russia. Sevmash's primary focus is in building nuclear submarines for the Russian Navy.
俄罗斯美女:世界著名时尚偶像埃琳娜·佩米诺娃 迎春送冬的谢肉节:焚烧稻草人唤醒冬眠熊


来源: 《透视俄罗斯》
Within the framework of the Ninth Moscow International Biennale "Fashion and Style in Photography 2015," Moscow Multimedia Art Museum presents an exhibition entitled “Still frame” by renowned Russian photographer Vladimir Fridkes dedicated to international ballet star and prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater Svetlana Zakharova.

Vladimir Fridkes, Courtesy of MMAM

在第九届莫斯科国际双年展“2015摄影时尚风格”的框架内,莫斯科多媒体艺术博物馆举办了主题为“冻结”的展览,展出俄知名摄影师弗拉基米尔·瑞德克斯(Vladimir Fridkes)专门为国际芭蕾舞明星、莫斯科大剧院的首席芭蕾舞女演员斯维特拉娜·扎哈罗娃(Svetlana Zakharova)拍摄的照片。
The “romance” between ballet and photography spans more than a century. The names of star photographers of the twentieth century, including Horst P. Horst, Cecil Beaton, Richard Avedon and Irving Penn, are inseparably linked with the names of dancers and choreographers: Sergei Diaghilev, Galina Ulanova, Maya Plisetskaya, to name but a few.

Vladimir Fridkes, Courtesy of MMAM

芭蕾舞和摄影的“浪漫史”已经跨越了一个多世纪。20世纪的很多知名摄影师,如霍斯特·霍斯特(Horst P. Horst)、塞西尔·比顿(Cecil Beaton)、理查德·埃夫登(Richard Avedon)和欧文·佩恩(Irving Penn)等,都无一例外地和谢尔盖·佳吉列夫(Sergei Diaghilev)、加林娜·乌兰诺娃(Galina Ulanova)、玛雅·普利谢茨卡娅(Maya Plisetskaya)等一些舞蹈演员、编舞者的姓名密不可分。古典芭蕾舞者成为摄影师、艺术家和设计师们的灵感源泉。
Vladimir Fridkes drew his first inspiration from ballet in 2005, a few days before the start of the Bolshoi Theatre’s major makeover. It was a natural impulse on the part of the photographer, who realized the importance of capturing the passing of an epoch. A series of images was born unexpectedly, conceived, it might be said, "by and for itself."

Vladimir Fridkes, Courtesy of MMAM

"When I found out that the Bolshoi Theater was to be closed for reconstruction, I realized that all the stage boards, the stairs trod by hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of audience members, the curtain that rose and fell a hundred thousand times, all of it, including many Soviet symbols, would be gone forever," says Vladimir Fridkes.

Vladimir Fridkes, Courtesy of MMAM

However, the photographer admits that he had no idea how to take shots of dancers — he just trusted his intuition, roaming and scanning the theatrical landscape with his camera. That shoot would form the basis of the exhibition.

Vladimir Fridkes, Courtesy of MMAM

Ten years later Fridkes was again drawn to the ballet. Today his lens is focused on one of the stars of the renovated theater, Svetlana Zakharova.

Vladimir Fridkes, Courtesy of MMAM

The creative duo of Fridkes and Zakharova celebrates the beauty of movement, clean lines and proportions, the limitless possibilities of the human body.

Vladimir Fridkes, Courtesy of MMAM

The theme of movement and dance is in harmony with the theme of the current Biennale — entitled "Between the Real and the Imaginary." Annie Leibovitz once said: "Dance is almost impossible to photograph because it is born out of the air and disappears into the air."

Vladimir Fridkes, Courtesy of MMAM

律动和舞蹈的主题与双年展的“真实与虚幻之间”主题相契合。美国著名女摄影师安妮·莱博维茨(Annie Leibovitz)曾说:“舞蹈几乎无法定格在相片上,因为舞蹈诞生于氛围,转瞬即逝。”
Vladimir Fridkes tells the story of a protagonist on the verge of the real and the imaginary, plucking from the air and fixing on film the movements from which dance is born.

Vladimir Fridkes, Courtesy of MMAM

标签: 名人女性俄罗斯美女艺术芭蕾舞
